Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hikaru and Kaoru were going to pay for this! Kagami was currently seated between the two redheads on a couch in Music Room 3 and was silently fuming. She had been planning to go straight home after school today to get some studying done. Of course, her plans had been completely ruined by the twins. She still couldn't believe that they had managed to blackmail her like that!



Kagami quickly put her things into her bag, determined to get home as quickly as possible. She had already spent two days away from her books and she couldn't afford to spend any more time playing around. If she didn't start studying soon there was a chance that her grades would go down and her father would not be pleased if that happened. Kagami started to walk out the door when suddenly, her bag was being slipped off of her shoulder. She turned to see Kaoru holding it tauntingly in his hand. This was really starting to get old.

"Did you not learn your lesson the last time you stole my bag?" She asked, folding her arms impatiently. "How about this time you just give it back to me and I won't hurt you?"

"Sorry Kagami." Hikaru said as he leaned casually against his brother. "But we're taking your bag hostage for now."

"Why would you need to keep my school bag hostage?" Kagami raised an eyebrow at them. "And I still haven't given you permission to call me by my first name!"

Ignoring her last comment, Kaoru smiled mischievously down at her. "Well you see, the host club is having a meeting today."

"And since Renge is our new manager she's going to be there." Hikaru continued.

"I don't see what that has to do with my school bag." Kagami replied.

"You're going to come with us so you can deal with her instead of us." The twins said.

"No way." Her reply was immediate. "It's bad enough that we're in the same class as her, I'm not going to deal with her in my free time as well. You two can just man up and handle it yourselves." As she spoke Kagami reached out to take her bag from Kaoru but he moved away from her before she could grab it.

"Sorry," he said, not sounding sorry in the slightest, "but we don't want to deal with someone who's crazy enough to have deluded herself into thinking that Kyoya is her prince charming."

"So you're going to do it for us." Hikaru and Kaoru said.

"I already said no." Kagami glared at them. "Besides, I was your human shield yesterday. Get Haruhi to do it. After all, she's actually in the host club."

"That's true," Hikaru said.

"But she's not nearly as scary as you are." Kaoru added. "And besides, we promised Kyoya we would try to be nice to her. You didn't."

Well, Kagami couldn't argue about that. But that didn't mean she was going to agree to spend her afternoon with Renge.

Seeming to read her mind, Kaoru held out her schoolbag tauntingly. "You don't get this back unless you do what we say. And it would be such a shame if all of your notes disappeared, especially since we have a test coming up pretty soon."

Kagami's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't we?" Hikaru said, looking positively evil.

"Fine!" Kagami threw her hands up in defeat. "I'll go with you this once. But I'm going to get you two back for this. And by the time I'm finished, you'll both wish you had simply suffered through Renge for an afternoon."

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