Chapter Forty-Three

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Mori's POV:

Deciding to leave behind the other members of the host club had definitely been a good idea. It had taken quite a bit of maneuvering to accomplish, but it was worth it. Kagami had seemed much more relaxed than she was when the whole host club was around. And she had thanked him for it. Mori could still remember the shock in her eyes, the confusion that had slowly changed into happiness. Her gaze had been thankful, warm, and directed solely on him. And the dazzlingly beautiful smile on her face hadn't hurt either. That moment, where all of Kagami's attention was focused on him and she seemed so genuine, was one Mori knew that he would not forget anytime soon.

But that moment had also confirmed the beginnings of a thought that had been growing in Mori's mind for a while now. He thought of Kagami as more than just an ordinary friend. He wanted to see her smile, to make her laugh, and he wanted her to trust him enough to let down all of her barriers around him. Mori wasn't entirely sure how far his feelings for Kagami went, but he knew that he wanted to find out.


Kagami's POV:

"Oh Mitsuki!" A girl with mousy brown hair said with a sigh. "You look so charming in that outfit!"

"Thank you." Kagami said with a charismatic smile. "I do feel rather noble dressed as the white knight."

"I wish you could be my knight." Another girl with straw-blond hair said, a wistful look in her eyes.

Out of the corner of her eye, Kagami could see Tamaki, sitting at a table, alone. And from the looks of it, he wasn't exactly thrilled about his sudden loss of popularity. Kagami decided it would be entertaining to see his reaction when she rubbed it in his face.

Taking the hand of the girl with the straw-blond hair, Kagami knelt on one knee and gave it a quick kiss. "I would be honored to be the knight of any one of you beautiful ladies at any time."

The squeals that filled the room as Kagami released the girl's hand would have made herwince if she hadn't been acting as Mitsuki. She didn't know how some girls managed to scream at the exact right frequency that was just shrill enough to be grating, but the result was incredibly painful. However, the look of fury on Tamaki's face made it worth it.

"You shouldn't say things like that!" One girl said, a fierce blush covering her freckled face. "It could give some people the wrong idea!"

"Oh?" Kagami said, taking a step closer to the girl who had spoken. "What if I want people to get the wrong idea?"

The girl was completely speechless at this, and the blush on her face became even more pronounced.

"You're such a flirt Mitsuki!" Another girl, this one with lips that were very, very pronounced, said in a simpering manner. Not that Kagami had anything against big lips, this girl was just using them to form an expression with her lips that Kagami hadn't previously thought was possible. It was probably supposed to look like a coquettish pout, but looked more like she had swallowed something sour and was gasping for air at the same time.

Ignoring the girl's lips, Kagami gave her a cheeky grin. "I can't help it." She said. "When I see so many beautiful girls, I simply can't resist."

Another ear-splitting shriek echoed through the room. Half of the girls looked like they wanted to swoon, and Kagami had never seen so much red before in her life. However, she could also see Hotaru sitting at a table with Honey and Mori. She looked like she was trying very, very hard to keep herself from laughing. Hikaru and Kaoru were also staring at her, looking conflicted. Kagami was pretty sure they didn't know how to feel about seeing her flirt expertly with an adoring group of girls. Kagami would have been amused if she wasn't still furious at them. What did amuse her, however, was Haruhi. The petite brunette wasn't paying attention to her at all. Instead, as was so typical of Haruhi, her attention was completely engaged with the two girls sitting in front of her.

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