Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kagami blinked, fairly certain that she was hallucinating. Maybe she was dehydrated from not drinking enough water during her run that morning, which was why she was now seeing Hikaru with flaming pink hair and Kaoru with vibrant blue hair. Unless, maybe this was all part of their pretend fight. Still, Kagami almost couldn't believe that they would do something so ridiculous.

They were currently standing by their limo outside of the school gates talking. No one else was around at the moment so for once, Kagami let her curiosity get the best of her and she walked up to them.

"Hikaru," she said with a revolted look on her face, "why is your hair pink?"

Startled, the twins turned towards her.

"Oh, it's just you Kagami." Hikaru said with a sigh of relief.

"If anyone else at school saw us getting along it would completely ruin our plans." Kaoru added. And then he looked at her thoughtfully. "But seriously, how did you know that we were faking our fight? Nobody else has realized it yet."

Kagami shrugged. "If the two of you were really fighting for the first time, it would be a lot scarier than you two just throwing stuff at each other." This time it was Kagami's turn to look thoughtful. "Why are the two of you pretending to fight anyway?"

The twins shrugged. "Because we're bored!"

"That's stupid." Kagami replied bluntly. "But as long as you don't involve me, I won't ruin it for you." After all, it would be too bothersome to get involved in the twins lives and she had more important things to worry about right now anyway.

"Aww," Kaoru said with a grin, patting her on the head, "that's so sweet of you!"

"Whatever." Kagami said as she smacked Kaoru's hand away. "You still haven't answered me though, why is Hikaru's hair pink?"

The twins grinned at her mischievously. "It's all part of our strategy!"

"But why pink?" Kagami persisted. "You could have chosen any other color, so why did you decide on pink?"

"Why are you only attacking my hair color?" Hikaru pouted. "Kaoru changed his too!"

"I like blue." Kagami replied. "Although, I'm not sure about how much I like seeing that vibrant shade in someone's hair. It's a little hard to look at. But still, it's better than pink."

"Whatever!" Hikaru huffed. "I'm going ahead Kaoru, I'll see you in class."

Kagami watched Hikaru walk away, his pink hair completely eye-catching. She still couldn't believe that he and Kaoru would go so far just because they were bored. That was one of the reasons why she didn't like being around them. They took things to the extreme and always ended up causing trouble.

"Well," Kagami said, "now that that's settled, I'm going to class."

Kagami started walking away, but Kaoru quickly caught up and fell into step beside her. Since they were going to the same place, she couldn't really tell him to go away, so she just rolled her eyes and continued walking. As they walked, she noticed students gaping as they passed by, but for once, they weren't looking at her. Everyone was drawn to the sight of Kaoru's blue hair and didn't even seem to notice her. Kagami had to admit that it was kind of nice to not be the one drawing everybody's attention for once.

When they got to the classroom, Kaoru went in first and Kagami followed quietly behind, immediately going to her desk and getting out her notes. She could hear Hikaru and Kaoru arguing again, but since class hadn't started yet, she ignored them. However, they were still throwing things at each other when the teacher came in and tried to start class, so Kagami decided it was time to stop them.

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