Chapter Nineteen

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Hello to everyone who's still reading this story! I am really, really, really sorry that I didn't update sooner! I've just been having some struggles with my health lately and along with that school has also been pretty difficult this semester. So until I'm either able to fix my health or this semester is over I probably won't be updating as frequently as I used to. Again, I'm really, really sorry!


Pushing her legs to go faster, Kagami soared down the street as she tried to run off all of the anger she was still feeling because of yesterday. After Kyou had left she had gone straight up to her room and grabbed one of her sketchbooks. She had spent a couple of hours drawing, attempting to let go of her anger. Drawing usually helped her to calm down but this time, it hadn't quite worked. Kyou had been so rude and Kagami had been forced to swallow her pride and deal with it. It made her realize just how trapped she was. No matter how she felt, what she wanted, Kagami had to do what her mother and father told her to. Again and again she had to force down her own emotions to do their bidding. But she would only have to endure it until the end of high school. Three more years of torture and she would be free. That thought was sometimes the only thing that kept Kagami going. Especially after days like yesterday.

Trying to shake off her frustration, Kagami pushed herself to go even faster. Her legs were aching and breathing was becoming a bit more of a struggle, but it felt exhilarating. When Kagami was running, she wasn't trapped by anything. It freed her and she never wanted to stop. Unfortunately though, her body had limits. So after jogging for four miles she reluctantly turned around and started jogging back towards her house. She slowed her jogging speed as she approached, allowing her breathing to become more regular as her heart rate settled down. As she walked up the stairs the front door opened and Hiroto was in his usual spot, bowing her in with a sour look on his face. Kagami ignored him and went up to her room to change into her uniform.

Once the hideous yellow dress was smoothed and her long brown hair was pulled back into it's customary ponytail Kagami grabbed her school bag and headed down to where her limo was waiting. She slipped in and leaned back against the black leather seat, letting the ache in her legs wash over her. She had pushed herself a bit too hard that morning but she didn't regret it. She wasn't nearly as angry as she had been earlier.

The limo pulled up in front of Ouran and Kagami got out, forcing her legs to move normally even though they were still screaming in pain. She walked smoothly through the hallways and into her classroom. As she sat down she had to fight back a sigh of relief as the pain in her legs returned to a dull ache. She didn't have much time to relax though before the inevitable happened. Hikaru and Kaoru stood in front of her desk with twin scowls on their faces.

"You didn't have to step on my foot so hard yesterday." Kaoru said as he glared at her.

"You shouldn't have taken my bag." Kagami retorted. She felt bad for hurting him but there was no way she was going to apologize.

"We were just messing around." Hikaru added.

"Well," Kagami said coldly, "if you don't want something like that to happen again I suggest you find someone else to mess around with. Because next time I won't be so nice!"

With that she opened her notebook as if nothing had happened. The twins were glaring daggers at her but they couldn't do anything since the teacher walked in at that moment. Kagami would have smirked triumphantly but she couldn't allow herself to do something so petty, no matter how much she wanted to rile the twins up a bit more. It wasn't something that fit her image. And just like that, the small bit of satisfaction Kagami felt turned into bitter frustration. She was once again reminded of how confined her life was. Even at school she had to hide who she was. It was so suffocating sometimes.

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