Chapter Thirteen

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Hello everyone! Just warning you, this chapter is not about the ball. I know, I know, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but trust me, this chapter was necessary. I hope you enjoy it anyway!


This was perfect. Looking in the mirror, Kagami was tempted to smile again. When she dressed as Mitsuki she looked completely different from normal. No one at the ball would be able to recognize her as anyone other than the famous idol. The look on Ayumi's face would be priceless! Kagami just hoped that it would be enough to get her to stop bullying Hotaru permanently. After all, since they were in different grades, Kagami wouldn't always be there to protect her.

A knock sounded on the door of her dressing room. "We'll be ready for you in five minutes Mitsuki." A male voice called out.

Five minutes. She had five minutes to get into character. Whenever she modeled, Kagami needed to become Mitsuki. If she didn't, every time she got in front of a camera she would become stiff. As herself, she wasn't confident enough to be a model. But as Mitsuki, she could do it with ease. So taking some deep breaths, Kagami closed her eyes and concentrated on becoming Mitsuki.

After a couple of minutes, Mitsuki opened his eyes. He stood up gracefully and walked confidently out of his dressing room. Today he was wearing a dark blue shirt with a sleeveless gray jacket on top. Dark gray ripped jeans and blue high tops finished the ensemble. He was modeling for a hair gel ad today so his hair was spiked up away from his face.

The director bustled over and started describing what he wanted the feel of the ad to be. Mitsuki listened with a bored expression on his face. Keiko had already gone over this on the way here, he really didn't need to hear it again. Once the director finally finished talking Mitsuki walked on set. Immediately he started posing, keeping a cocky smirk on his face the entire time.

The shoot was going well. The director hadn't complained about anything so far and nothing was going wrong with the equipment either. If things kept going this smoothly Mitsuki thought there was a high chance that he would get to leave early.

But at that moment, a commotion broke out near the entrance of the studio. Mitsuki didn't really care though, so he just kept posing for the camera. He was forced to stop though when the director got down from his chair and almost ran in the direction of the ruckus. The director was a bigger man so it was impressive to see him move so quickly. Whatever had caused the commotion it must have been really important.

Mitsuki was curious now, but not enough for him to stop working. Unfortunately, the cameramen had also abandoned their posts so Mitsuki couldn't have continued if he wanted to. A little irritated that everyone was making such a big fuss, he looked towards the area where everyone had gathered, trying to figure out what had made them react like that.

A woman was standing near the center of the crowd. She had short, spiked red hair and was wearing a charcoal colored dress suit with a . . . cheetah patterned shirt underneath. It took someone with a big personality to wear an outfit like that. She exuded confidence and seemed to enjoy being the center of attention. And standing behind her were . . . oh crap. Suddenly, Mitsuki's persona was completely gone and Kagami was back in his place. If she had been holding something, she would have dropped it in shock. Hikaru and Kaoru were here. In the studio.

This was a nightmare! If the twins found out who Mitsuki really was everything would be over. They would tease her about it mercilessly and word would spread around school. Then Kagami's plans for the ball would be completely ruined! And, she would have to quit her job as a model. Why was it that the twins always seemed to find her whenever she really, really didn't want them to? And come to think of it, why were they even at the studio in the first place?

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