Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Kagami glanced around the lunchroom, noting how everyone was eyeing her warily while trying not to seem like they were actually looking at her. They were all shockingly bad at it. She didn't particularly care about them at that moment though. She was looking for someone specific. Someone who happened to be an annoying, overly cheerful blond. And Kagami was really hoping that he had decided not to eat in the cafeteria that day, because she didn't particularly want to find him. Unfortunately, her conscience wasn't just going to let her sit back and pretend that nothing had happened. It was probably Hotaru's fault that Kagami wasn't able to ignore her conscience anymore. 

After Kagami had stormed out of Music Room 3 yesterday and had had an opportunity to calm down, she had realized that she had possibly been a little harsh with Tamaki. He shouldn't have said what he did about Shiro, but Kagami knew that she shouldn't have lost it at him either. She had felt guilty about it all night, and so here she was, waiting to ambush Tamaki when he walked into the lunchroom so that she could apologize.

Sweeping her eyes across the cafeteria, Kagami almost groaned when she caught sight of the flamboyant golden curls she had been looking for. Why couldn't Tamaki have decided to eat somewhere else for a change? But unfortunately, the blond had stuck to his regular routine, so Kagami had found him, so now she had to apologize. Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and marched over to where Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, and Mori, were sitting. All eyes in the room followed her as she came up behind an oblivious Tamaki.

"Tamaki-senpai," Kagami managed to spit out in a somewhat civilized voice. 

At hearing her voice, the blond nearly jumped out of his seat, his eyes growing wide and his face becoming pale. "Wh . . . what is it?" He managed to squeak.

"I have something I need to say to you." Kagami said, trying not to be amused by the obvious fear in Tamaki's eyes. "Would you come with me for a moment?"

"You want me to go with you?" Tamaki cried, his eyes getting even wider. "Alone?"

"I'm not going to hurt you." Kagami said, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. But Tamaki didn't look reassured, so Kagami decided to make a concession. "But if you're too scared to go alone, you can bring Honey or Mori with you for protection." Kagami hoped that Tamaki didn't catch too much of the sarcasm that had been in her voice.

"What about us?" Hikaru and Kaoru cried indignantly. 

"Easy." Kagami responded. "The only two people you're capable of protecting are yourselves."

Hikaru and Kaoru glanced at each other and shrugged. "Can't argue with that."

"And why did I not make it onto your list?" Kyoya asked calmly. 

"Because I would prefer to spend as little amount of time as possible in your presence." Kagami replied, enjoying the way that the thin line of displeasure between Kyoya's eyebrows seemed to become slightly more pronounced. It was just too bad that she hadn't been able to goad him into talking back. 

"I'm not afraid!" Tamaki interrupted. 

"Oh." Kagami said, raising a skeptical eyebrow after turning to look in his direction. "Then you'll come alone? That would certainly make this easier for me."

"I didn't say that!" Tamaki stuttered, once again going pale. "I'm still going to have Mori come with me, but only so that nobody is worried about why I'm going off alone with you."

"You're worried about my reputation?" Kagami said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "How considerate of you."

"Well," Tamaki said, tossing his hair, "I do try to be a gentleman."

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