Chapter Forty

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Something was up. Kagami narrowed her eyes suspiciously as the twins came out from behind their changing screen in what felt like their five hundredth outfit. They had forty-five minutes left until the host club and "Mitsuki" were supposed to meet at the school, and Kagami had tried to leave twice already. The second time, Hikaru and Kaoru had been extremely desperate to stop her. And Kagami doubted that they were that desperate just because she was trying to leave in the middle of their fashion show. No, something else was definitely going on here.

"Okay Kagami," the twins said with grins that looked more like grimaces to Kagami. "Which one of us is Hikaru?"

"The one on the left." Kagami said with a sigh. She stood up and began walking towards the door. "I'm leaving now."

She made it about halfway across the room before Hikaru and Kaoru stopped her.

"No!" They cried in distressed voices as they lunged towards her. They grabbed Kagami's arms and pulled her backwards.

"You can't leave yet." Kaoru said, nervousness lacing his voice. "We're still playing the which one is Hikaru game."

"Yeah." Hikaru added. "We haven't gotten to any of the good outfits yet."

Seriously annoyed, Kagami yanked her arms away from the twins and folded them threateningly in front of her. "Okay." She said in a voice that overflowed with displeasure. "You two are going to tell me what's going on. Now."

Seeing the look in her eyes, Hikaru and Kaoru seemed to shrink back slightly. But they recovered quickly.

"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

"We just wanted to spend some time with you Kagami." Kaoru added, mirroring his brother's look perfectly.

Kagami gave a derisive snort. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that?" She asked. "You two have been hating this whole dress up thing probably as much as I have."

Hikaru grimaced. "Was it that obvious?" 

"Yes." Kagami replied bluntly. "Now stop stalling and tell me what's going on here."

The only response she got was silence.

"Fine." She said with an irritated sigh. "If you won't tell me, I'll figure it out myself. Let's see . . ." Kagami paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Obviously, your main objective here is to prevent me from leaving your house. And I'm pretty sure you two didn't come up with that idea as a way to annoy me, you were way to desperate. No, someone put you up to this, someone who scares you more than I do . . ." 

Kagami trailed off as the pieces started falling into place. The only person who could possibly be that intimidating was Kyoya. But why would he want Hikaru and Kaoru to keep her distracted? And for how long? Kagami easily found the answer to that question. Kyoya would never let Hikaru and Kaoru miss the photo shoot, so he only wanted them to keep her hostage until then. Unless of course Hikaru and Kaoru were going to take Kagami with them to the shoot. But if they did that, she wouldn't be able to sneak away and become Mitsuki.

As realization dawned on her, Kagami narrowed her eyes and gave the twins a sharp look. "How long does Kyoya want you two to keep an eye on me?" She asked in a dangerous voice.

"How did you know that?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in shock.

Kagami ignored their question. She needed answers. "How long?" 

"Well," Hikaru said, "we were supposed to keep you here until we left the photo shoot."

"And then he told us to bring you with us." Kaoru added.

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