Chapter Twenty-Five

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Kyou took a deep breath. He could do this. One more date and then he would be free. He told himself this over and over again, but every time he thought of Kagami Tsukino his resolve wavered. She was so innocent and sweet, and he felt awful for acting like a total creep the last time they met, but Kyou refused to be forced into an engagement while he was still in high school. Even if it was to a girl who was as stunningly beautiful as Kagami. She had the deepest blue eyes he had ever seen, and her smile was so pretty. But no, he couldn't think about that now. If he did, his resolve would waver even more. He needed to be mean for one more date and then he was sure that Kagami would go running back to her parents to tell them that she didn't want to be his fiance. Even though it was going to be hard, Kyou was sure he could do it.

His limo pulled up to the Tsukino's huge mansion and Kyou swallowed his nerves. He could do this. He chanted that over and over as he walked up the grand staircase to their main entrance. He knocked politely on the door and only had to wait a few seconds before the Tsukino's butler opened it for him. Their butler was an ancient man who always seemed to have a sour look on his face. Kyou hadn't liked him the first time they met and he didn't like him any better now. There was something almost vindictive about him.

"Please come in." The butler spoke in his raspy, grating voice. "Miss Kagami will be down in just a moment."

"Thank you." Kyou replied, trying to hide how nervous he suddenly was.

He stood awkwardly in the entryway while the butler shuffled off, probably to get Kagami. Even though it was probably only a couple of minutes at most, Kyou felt like he had been waiting for an eternity. When he finally heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, he almost sighed with relief. And then he made the mistake of looking up and his breath caught in his throat. Kagami was walking gracefully towards him in a pale green dress that fell to just below her knees. Her hair was framing her face in artful curls that accentuated her delicate features and creamy skin. Her midnight blue eyes shone with a soft light and a small smile lit her face.

"Hello Kyou." She said in her soft, musical voice. "It's so good to see you again."

Kyou had to fight back an answering smile. She made it so hard for him to be mean. "Hello Kagami." He said, making sure to look her over appreciatively. "You look positively delicious."

Out of the corner of his eye, Kyou saw the butler smirk at his comment and suddenly, he liked the man even less. What kind of butler would let anyone, no matter who they were, talk to the daughter of the household like that?

Although he hadn't been expecting a reaction from the butler, Kyou had been expecting Kagami to be at least a little angry at what he said. But she just smiled.

"I don't see how I could possibly look delicious." She said sweetly. "After all, I'm not food."

"You sure about that sweetheart?" Kyou drawled.

Surely that would manage to make her react somehow!

"Positive." Kagami smiled brightly and Kyou had to fight back an annoyed growl. This girl was either incredibly dense or she had complete mastery over her emotions.

"Now let's go." She continued, with her bright smile still pasted on her face. "I'm excited to spend some more time with you."

"Not nearly as excited as I am." Kyou smirked. He tried to ignore the sick feeling that was rising in the pit of his stomach as he spoke. He was acting like such a creep.

He held out his arm to her and Kagami gratefully accepted it, although Kyou thought for just a moment that he saw her eyebrows wrinkle in disgust. But when he looked at her she was smiling brightly at him. So Kyou figured he was just imagining things. After all, she was so sweet she probably didn't feel disgust for anyone. He led her down to his waiting limo and opened the door for her, allowing her to slide in first. He noticed that she had shifted over to the end of the seat, as if she was trying to get as far away from him as possible, but she still had that sweet smile on her face. It was probably just a coincidence. But just to make sure, Kyou made sure to sit as close to her as he could. If she was disgusted by him she would have shifted away, but she just tilted her head innocently and widened her smile.

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