Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It was Saturday morning. Kagami blinked lazily up at her ceiling for a moment, trying to decide what all she was going to be doing that day, but then she remembered. The photo shoot with the host club, it was today. She and Kyoya had texted one another, arranging to meet at eleven o'clock at Ouran. Kagami had been surprised that he had proposed such an early, (at least by rich people standards), meeting time since he looked like the type who enjoyed his beauty sleep, but she had no objections. The earlier she got this over with the better.

Groaning, Kagami rolled out of bed and glanced at her clock. It was eight in the morning. She still had three hours before she had to be over at the school. That was just enough time for her to go on a run and shower afterwards.

Now that she had a plan, Kagami quickly pulled on a pair of black running shorts and a gray shirt with a light purple swirling design on it. She laced up her tennis shoes and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Then she grabbed her black watch and put it on her left wrist. Once she was ready, she walked downstairs. For once, Hiroto wasn't there to glare at her. He was probably off terrorizing some of the staff. Besides tormenting her, it was his second favorite hobby.

Quietly, Kagami opened the door, making sure not to let it creak. She didn't want to alert Hiroto to the fact that she was up, or he would come and try to torment her a bit before she left. Not that she was letting him do that anymore. Ever since the day Hotaru had come over, Kagami had been rebelling against him in small ways. But that was dangerous in its own way. If she wasn't careful, she would really talk back to him someday, and he would undoubtedly inform her parents. Then Kagami would be in serious trouble.

Fortunately, Kagami had years of practice at erasing her presence, so Hiroto was never even aware that she had left her bedroom.

As soon as Kagami was far enough away from her house that no one would see her, she did some warm-up stretches. And then she was off, her feet pounding on the road beneath her and the wind blowing across her face. As she jogged, she went through a couple of waltzes in her mind. Not only did she love to listen to them, but they helped her keep a steady pace while she ran. It was a nice day, and Kagami enjoyed the sun shining on her face. She was going to enjoy this moment, this feeling of freedom, before she was subjected to spending a few hours with the host club. 

But then Kagami felt two hands closing around her wrists. She was jerked to a halt, and before she had a chance to turn around and face her assailant, she was thrown into the back of a car. She turned around, a deadly glare on her face, ready to take down whoever thought it was a good idea to mess with her. But when she saw who it was, she was so surprised, and yet so unsurprised at the same time, that she was speechless for a total of five seconds. 

"Have you two completely lost your minds?" She finally growled out. "I swear, I'm going to kill you both!"

Hikaru and Kaoru grinned down at her, completely unrepentant as they joined her in the back of what Kagami now knew was a limo. She wanted to punch them both so hard that they were never able to smile again. She had always known that Hikaru and Kaoru were crazy, but she hadn't thought they were crazy enough to kidnap her while she was jogging.

"Aww, don't be like that Kagami." Kaoru said in a coaxing voice.

"You would miss us if we were dead." Hikaru added.

If that was supposed to be a convincing argument, Kagami was not impressed. She glared fiercely at them, trying to make them sorry that they had ever bothered getting up that morning. 

"No." She replied tersely. "I wouldn't."

Anyone else would have made a strategic retreat at that point, but Hikaru and Kaoru apparently had no survival skills. Instead of running away, they stayed where they were, and their grins became even bigger, and even more annoying.

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