Chapter 2: The Truth behind the liar.

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I forgot to put this in the previous chapter but Kokichi woke up 2 weeks after the game


Toko(Genocider): "I would shut you mouth if I were in your situation or else I mi-"

Kokichi: *weakly* "Geno please let her go I don't want anyone to get hurt"

Toko(Genosider): "Tch you got lucky today girl"

With that Genosider removed the scissors from maki's neck and kicked maki onto the ground

Tenko: "Why the hell did she listen to this degenerate male"

Toko(Genosider): "The hell do you think you are, calling my little brother a degenerate you b*tch"

Everyone from DrV3 -kokichi: "LITTLE BROTHER"

Toko(Genosider): "Well duh didn't you hear mom when introduced me and psy"

Celestia: "Alright jack (celestia's nickname for toko(Genosider)) give toko back control."

Toko(Genosider): "Fine, bye mom"

With that Toko fell unconscious with celestia catching her.

Miu: "Um miss celestia "

Celestia: "Yes dear what do you need"

Miu: "Well I was curious because earlier you said that Kokichi's crazy personality was a type of copy of toko, does that mean that he has a personality that is a copy for you"

Celestia: "Yes indeed he does, in fact you have met this personality in your killing game, but you didn't realize it"

Shuichi: "We did?"

Celestia: "Indeed, this personality is the one that lied to you all those times during the game and it is based off of me."

Maki: "Great now we have two liars here, what are you going to do manipulate us like Kokichi did to Gonta"

Gonta: "Gonta would like to sa-"

Maki: "NO, if it weren't for him Miu wouldn't have died, and you would have been executed."

???: "Actually, your wrong"

Maki: "what do you mean I'm wrong and who the hell are you"

Kyoko: "I am Kyoko kirigiri-yasuhiro the other ultimate detective you were told about earlier and the one who manipulated Gonta in your game was actually the Tsumugi shirogane ai which somehow found a way to temporarily clone itself and the clone manipulated gonta."

Miu:"I kept trying to tell you guys, but you always cut me off, Kokichi warned me about gonta but out of nowhere he collapsed on the floor and had to watch me get killed by gonta without being able to help me."

Kyoko: "As Miu said kokichi did try to save her but the tsumugi ai made his avatar freeze and then manipulated the code of the virtual world so that it would seem like Miu planned everything from the start."

Shuichi: "Then why did Kokichi choose to say that he manipulated Gonta."

Kyoko: "The answer to that question is due to a plan put together by his alternate personality based off of me which acts similar to a detective"

Miu: "What was this plan that you are talking about"

Kokichi: "My plan was to sacrifice myself so that everyone could escape and to reduce the amount of some of you could have felt I became the person you all would hate so when I die nobody would feel guilty about my death."

Kyoko: "I still hate that you believed that was the most effective method of saving everyone"

Kokichi: "I know but kyo believed that it was necessary"

Kirumi: "If I may ask who is this kyo that you speak of."

Celestia: "That would be the detective personality of Kokichi"

Kirumi: "If you don't mind me asking why does Kokichi have these personalities in the first place."

Kyoko: "That is someth-"

Kokichi: "Its okay mama I'm ok discussing it."

Kyoko: "Ok but tell us if you are feeling uncomfortable"

Kokichi: *nods* "So my biological parents never really cared about their children from the start as present with geno who was born before me, but the thing is that instead of being put into a foster care system right away I was forced to live with my bastard parents who would constantly abuse me and neglect me causing my growth to stunt as I was constantly hiding in small spaces for hours on end with barely any food or water. This didn't get any better at school because people would bully me due to my height and how frail I looked without even knowing what I was going through or questioning why I looked the way I did. This went on until I was 13 (All the charaters from Drv3 in this au are between 16-18 and kokichi is 17) when mama had found me after my parent beat me again and then mama and mom adopted me, and I met my new family."

Maki: "Like we would believe such an obvious lie."

Angie: "Atua says Kokichi is telling the truth"

Maki: "Yeah right like your stupid fake god would know anything, he probably had one of the best childho-"

Just then everyone saw three things get thrown at maki a scalpel that grazed her cheek, a pair of scissors that grazed her leg, and surprisingly enough an empty syringe that stabbed maki's left arm.

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