Chapter 9: Secret revealed and sibling bonding

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This chapter takes place 3 hours after tenko and kokichi fell asleep.

Narrator POV:

Tenko woke up from her nap to a sleeping kokichi on her shoulder and she simply appreciated the moment with her new brother.

Tenko: *smiling* "I'm so happy you saved me kichi"

???: "Happy to see that you finally woke up."

Tenko looked towards the voice to see miu sitting down looking at them.

Tenko: "Um how long have we been out"

Miu: "Well you two have have been out for three hours now"

Tenko: "Oh well sorry for taking your boyfriend away from you for so long"

Miu: *intensely blushing* "B-boyfriend"

Tenko: *confused* "Are you two not dating, you two are around each other all the time"

Miu: *slightly sad* "No we aren't, we just like to hang out a lot and I don't think he would like me like that."

Kokichi: "Who said I didn't like you ruru"

Miu: *blushing* "K-kokichi when did you wake up"

Kokichi: "Right before your little confession to me but before you make your decision I have to show you two something"

Kokichi then reached under his shirt to pull out a binder and looked down expecting the two to have looks of disgust.

Kokichi: "I understand if you do-"

Just then kokichi felt someone hug him tightly while petting his hair and when he looked up he saw miu with a smiling Tenko behind her.

Miu: *While hugging kokichi* "Idiot why would you think we would leave you just because your trans, it doesn't matter you are still you."

Tenko: "Yeah we don't care because what you are or were doesn't change how you've helped us"

Kokichi then started to tear up and hugged miu back tightly before the two let go off the hug.

Kokichi: "Now I can do this"

Miu: "Do wha-"

Miu was cut off by kokichi jumping on her and kissing her with Tenko fangirling in the background.

Miu was cut off by kokichi jumping on her and kissing her with Tenko fangirling in the background

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(Kokichi is the girl and miu is the boy)

Kokichi then broke the kiss and jumped off miu.

Kokichi: *slightly blushing * "I guess we are a thing now ruru"

Miu: *Miu Iruma.EXE has stop working*

Tenko: "I think you broke her kichi"

Kokichi: "Oh well I guess I can go play with your unfinished inventions.

Miu: *unbroke the second she heard that* "You do that and your as good as grape juice."

Kokichi: "Ok calm down I did that to unbreak you and what is your answer to my question"

Miu then kissed kokichi on the cheek

Miu: "Yes we are my little supreme leader"

Kokichi: "Ok my horny inventor"

Tenko: "I know you guys like each other and all but it hasn't been five minutes since you guys got together and your doing this lovey dovey talk."

Irouma then turned into tomato's

Kokichi: *Blushing* "Forgot that you were here"

Tenko: "Yeah yeah hurry it up so that I can meet my new family"

The three then hear people walk into the cafeteria and when they look they see the rest of the yasuhiro family.

Celestia: "Hello you three how are you"

Kokichi: "Hey mom and we're doing fine and we were just about to introduce Tenko to everyone."

Kokichi then introduced everyone (basically telling Tenko what name everyone goes by and giving general instructions on what triggers them and how to deal with it)

Kokichi: "Wait a minute where is Koko"

Kotoko: "Yay I have another pretty sister"

Tenko: "Oh my god I have an adorable sister"

The two then started to talk while everyone watched in amazement as kotoko normally took a little while to talk so openly with anyone who wasn't her family.

Tenko: "Hey koko how about we go play a game outside"

Kotoko: "Yeah let's go"

Kokichi: "Oh~ wait for me"

The three of them then went outside and played different game like tag and hide and seek and in the middle of it they noticed that Kokichi started to be more energetic and act more like a child.

Kokichi(chichi): "You can't catch me tenki"

Tenko: "Oh yes I will you gremlin"

Kokichi(chichi): "No you won't nishishi"

After they finished playing they figured that he created a new personality based of kotoko and named it chichi.

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