Chapter 6: The true Ultimate Caregiver and her Warriors of Hope

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Narrartor's POV:

???: " W-what are y-you g-guys doing here

The group then look over to see a surprised toko at the entrance to t he gym.

Kokichi: " GENO it's nice to see my sister and we are here to ask you if you have anymore parts to your [Insert book series name] series lying around."

Toko: "O-oh well y-yeah I have some in my room j-just let me go get th-"

They then hear someone shout along with a girl with dark brown hair jumps on toko's back.

???: "There you are Toki, how are you, you want to help me with the kids, you wa-"

Kokichi: "Hold on a second can we back the f*ck up."

??? then looks over at Kokichi confused as to who he was

???: "Um who are you?"

Kokichi: "I am Kokichi Ouma the ultimate supreme leader now 1. who are you 2. since when you and Geno have been dating and 3. what kids are you talking about."

Komaru: "I am Komaru Naegi and even though it's not official people call me the Ultimate child caretaker."

Kokichi: "Ohhhh~ so you're the aunt maru that I hear so much about"

Komaru: *mama Komaru mode activated* "And how do you know that name, only select few calls me that name."

Kokichi: "Oh Kotoko talks about you a lot"

Komaru: *Slightly angry* "And you know Kotoko how"

Toko then hugs Komaru

Toko: "Calm down maru he is Kotoko, and I's brother and she normally talks about you"

Komaru: "But why is his last name not Yasuhiro like your last name"

Kokichi: "Ouma was the last name of one the people who actually cared about me before mom and mama adopted me."

Komaru: *shocked* "you don't me-" (Toko told her about having a biological brother who was abused by their parents)

Kokichi: "Yep I actually am Geno's biological brother, kind of ironic how we got adopted by the same people"

Komaru: *Slighty tearing up and hugging kokichi* "I'm so sorry you had to go through that"

Kokichi: *Hugs back* "Its ok, I've learned how to live with my other Me's."

Komaru: *Breaks hug* " You have split personalities like toki"

Kokichi: "Yep and they can be troublesome at times, but I manage. Now what are these chil-"

Just then 4 kids run into the gym with one who had green hair running up to Junko


Junko: "Little sis Monaca how was your day today."

Monaca: "My day was fun I got to play with auntie maru and the others"

Kokichi: "I guess these are the children you were talking about."

Komaru: "Yep, along with Kotoko they make up the warriors of hope"

Miu: "Oh I remember koko talking about that once."

Komaru: "Um if you don't mind me asking but who are you"

Miu: "I am Miu Iruma the ultimate inventor and nice to see a real ultimate child caretaker and not another ultimate assassin"

Everyone but irouma then look at Miu confused

Kokichi: "Let me elaborate, one of our classmates faked her ultimate which was originally the ultimate assassin and she said that she was the ultimate child caretaker"

Komaru: "Well let me introduce you two to the other memebers of the warriors of hope first we have Masaru nidai (Nekomaru and Akane are married and adopted Masaru)

Masaru: "Hello"

Komaru: "Next we have nagisa hinata (nagito, chiaki, and hajime are all dating each other and adopted nagisa)

Nagisa: "Salutations"

Komaru: "next we have the leader of the warriors of hope Monaca Enoshima"

Monaca: "Greetings"

Kokichi: *while pointing at the Enoshima twins* "And when were you two going to tell me that you adopted another sister "

Mukuro: "I guess you know now"

Kokichi: *gasps* "i thought we were friends, WAAAH YOUR SO MEAN"

Junko and Miu: *Facepalm and say in sync* " Kichi/ purple gremlin shut up"

Komaru: *looks at toko* "Is this normal for you guys"

Toko: "Yeah its a normal thing he does"

Komaru: "O-ok, anyways the last member is jataro yasuhiro"

Kokichi: "Wait did I hear that right, I have a nephew, where is here"

(Komaru has been able to talk Jataro to not wear his mask as he is not ugly)

Jataro: *Standing behind toko* "I-i'm r-right h-here"

Kokichi then runs up to jataro and hugs him

Komaru: "Hold on koki-"

Komaru then saw that Jataro did not freak out when Kokichi hugged him and instead hugged Kokichi back which shocked her and toko.

Kokichi: *While hugging jataro* " He's adorable, can I keep him"

Komaru: *shocked* "Well that was an unexpected reaction"

Miu: "What do you mean unexpected"

Toko: "W-well jataro i-is a bit s-shy around others so it n-normally takes a while for him to g-get used to be around people"

Jataro: "Purple haired man reminds me of mama"

With that Irouma played with the Warriors of Hope before leaving to get the books from toko's room.

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