Chapter 3: The nurse and little miss drama

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Everyone already knew who through the scalpel and scissors but the thing that both scared and confused everyone from DrV3 because of how someone knew how to throw a syringe of all things so accurately.

???: If you think kichi had a good childhood then I might have to give you a checkup because you have zero clue how to wrong you really are.

Everyone looked towards the voice and see a girl in a nurse outfit with three syringes in between her fingers ready to be thrown with a girl in a school uniform and pink pigtails standing behind her.

Maki: "Yeah right and how would you know anything about the liar."

???: "I know a lot more then you"

Just then Maki collapsed to the ground

Kaito: "Maki-roll!"

???: "Don't worry that was an anesthetic meant to put her to sleep so that she wouldn't cause any more trouble."

Kiibo: "Thank you but can you please introduce yourself and your guest."

Mikan: "I am Mikan Tsumiki the ultimate nurse and person behind me is my little sister kotoko yasuhiro who is the ultimate drama."

Shuichi: "Wait are you two Kokichi's other sisters"

Mikan: "Yes we are"

Just then Kotoko ran up and hugged Kokichi

Kotoko: "Kichi are you and Geno okay"

Kokichi: "Yes we are okay, how have you and mimi been"

Kotoko: "We have been fine and mimi has shown shown me so many cool things she can do."

While the two were talking everyone was watching and the participants from Drv3 questioned themselves if the person that they saw in front of them was really the person that lied and caused the arguments to occur in their killing game and all but 1 person just stared at the moment with appreciation at the type of sibling bond the two shared and this person was someone who people didn't think act the way they did, ever.

Himiko: "So what you think that like a gentle little child afte-"

Kotoko: "G-e-n-t-l-e"

Right when Kotoko said that Celestia, Kyoko, and Kokichi all went and hugged Kotoko while mikan started to prepare a needle that was in her nurse outfits pockets.

Kotoko: "No more gentle please no more gentle please I beg you no more gentle"

Just then Mikan injected Kotoko with the syringe and Kotoko fell asleep and Celestia picked up Kotoko rested her head in her lap.

Kirumi: "If you don't mind me asking but was that a result of a bad childhood that you said your children have had"

Kyoko: "Yes and kotoko is the one with the worst case of it"

Himiko: "I bet it was that liar fau-"

All of sudden the air in the room became as cold as ice and they saw a glare from Kokichi that would make maki's glare look like puppy eyes and with a voice that almost sounded demonic Kokichi said.

Kokichi: "If you even think about saying that I did something to anyone in my family I will make the killing games look like a relaxing vacation."

Just then Kokichi felt someone hug him from behind and when he looked behind him, he saw toko not looking phased at all by his actions.

Toko: "Kichi p-please calm d-down you are s-scaring everyone"With that Kokichi calmed down and the celesgiri family left the cafeteria

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