Chapter 14: The assasins change and the preperations for the date

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Maki POV:

I woke up in my bed after seeing Kaito's head get cut off his body and the first thing that I did was run to his room to see if it was a dream or not and when I knocked on the door fortunately it opened with a tired Kaito who I just hugged out of relief.

Maki: *sobbing* "Thank god you are still alive you space obsessed idiot"

Kaito: *Confused* "Maki-roll what are you talking about."

I then explain to him what happened in my dream and he comforted me and invited me to sleep in his room to help reassure my self but even then I woke up in the same room but this time I saw a tv where Kaito sat before and when it turned on it showed Kaede's execution but instead of Kaede being there it was Kaito and I was forced to watch Kaito die the same way as Kaede while a horrible version twinkle twinkle little star being played by the piano.

Narrator POV:

Over the next couple of weeks Maki would constantly see Kaito go through all the executions from all the killing games and more which caused her to never leave Kaito's side unless needed. Another effect was Maki started to not talk to people excluding Kaito as much as she used to. While this was going on ayano went to Kokichi to ask him a question.

Ayano: *Nervous* "U-um boss can I ask you a question.

Kokichi: "Sure Aya what do need.

Ayano: "S-so I was wondering if Tenko was dating anyone."

Ayano closed her eyes, expecting Kokichi to be mad and hit her but she suddenly felt someone shaking her.

Kokichi: *While shaking ayano* "Finally you decided that to make the first move" *Stops shaking ayano*

Ayano: *Dizzy* "So y-your n-not mad."

Kokichi: "Why would I be mad though"

Ayano: "Well I wanted to date your sister who had a bad relationship before"

Kokichi: "Fair enough but I know that you genuinely care about Tenko and that you won't hurt here"

Ayano: "So can you help me with the date."

Kokichi: "Of course but let's go get some help from someone else"

The two then head over to the SDR2  section of the facility and enter the cafeteria where everyone from SDR2  besides teruteru, komahinanami, and kazuichi were sitting and talking.

Ayano: "Um boss why are we here"

Kokichi: "For this"

Kokichi then yelled


Immediately band-aid and fuyupeko went to where.

Fuyuhiko: "Who are we killing today"

Kokichi: "No you idiot that's code March run"

Fuyuhiko: "Oh yeah I forgot anyways who are the simps."

Ayano: "W-wait a minute what do you mean by simp."

Kokichi: "Well can you tell me her favorite superhero, food, and anime character."

Ayano: "Oh that's easy her favorite superhero is black canary, her favorite food is ice cream especially cotton candy ice cream and she looks so cute while she eats it, and her favorite anime character is Mirko from Boku no hero Academia because she likes how-"

Everyone there stood there shocked at how she knew those thing in detail while Kokichi stood there trying to hold his laughter at everyone's face and how much ayano knew about Tenko.

Kokichi: "Pfft Hahahaha omg I can't."

Ayano: *confused* "Did I say something wrong"

Mikan: "No you didn't it's just that Tenko has only told that our family and said she doesn't want to annoy others with what she talks about or does."

Kokichi: "And the fact that she told you and you pay that much attention to her to notice how she reacts shows how much you simp for her."

Ayano: *Became a Tomato*

Fuyuhiko: "Ok I get why Mikan and Ibuki are here but what are me and peko doing here."

Kokichi: "You guys are here since you guys simped for each other for multiple years before dating so who better to get two simps together then you two."

Fuyuhiko: "God damn it I hate that your right."

With that the group began theorizing what Ayano should do for her date with Tenko.

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