Chapter 12: A psycho's rage.

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Kokichi POV:

It's been about a week since I got venti and to be honest, he's been the most relaxed and comfortable mask to control besides kyo. Today I went and spent time with my family and when I asked ruru if she wanted to join, she said that she wanted to stay in the workshop to work on the octa-pack as we chose to call it since we've designed it to have 8 tentacles for heavy lifting or multi-tasking someone might have to do. The thing is when I returned to the workshop, I saw something that made psy forcefully take control so that I didn't kill maki in the most brutal way I know of. What I saw was maki with knife and an injured Miu who had cut on her arms with parts of the prototype octa-pack that Miu was wearing it broken.

(Sora and Ayano weren't in the workshop because they had to go help at D.I.C.E with somethings.)

Narrator's POV:

In an instant psy went behind maki and aimed scalpel at her neck with a bloodlust so powerful that people across from the facility could feel it.

Kokichi(psy): "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't let Kichi take back control"

Maki: "To do what pipsqueak"

Kokichi(psy): "Well maybe he'll kill you but most likely he will knock you out and torture you and/or the idiot of the stars and then s-"

Kokichi then feels someone hug him from behind and looks back to see miu.

Miu: *Weakly* "P-please calm down let t-the others t-take care of t-this"

Just then Miu fainted from the pain to which Kokichi then knocked out maki and checked up on miu when the Yasuhiro family minus toko and Kotoko and DRV3 came running into the workshop.

Mikan: "What happened to Miu? Are your ok Kichi? What happened to-"

Kokichi(psy): "Well 1: its psy right now, 2: ruru got attacked by the idiot assasin, and 3: kichi is more then p*ssed which is why I'm here."

Kirumi: "Um psy I'm kind of scared to ask but what would happen if Kichi was still in control."

Kokichi(psy): "One word, torture"

Kiibo: "Not gonna lie I might join in cause that b*tch hurt my mom"

Kokichi(psy): "now now son we will talk about that later now lets get ruru to the nurses offices"

Psy then looks back at miu who is being looked at by mikan.

Kokichi(psy) : "Anything major mimi?"

Mikan: " No nothing major just cuts on her arms and maki's weapon had no poison on it."

Kokichi(psy): "Alright good and I might need you to put me to sleep cause the moment kichi get control he with attack idiot assassin on sight"

Kaito; "Hey don't call maki-roll an idiot, you psycho"

Kokichi(psy): "And yet she attacked Miu for no reason at all knowing well that we hung out a lot and I would be protective of her."

Kaito: "How do we know Miu isn't the one to attack first"

Kokichi then sudden turned from have a psychotic expression to an emotionless expression

Kokichi(kyo): "That's easy, whenever Miu is working on an invention she is completely focused on it and will not lose focus unless someone, or something breaks her focus and the fact that there's evidence of Miu having to use the octa-pack to defend herself helps support this."

Kaito: "Well mayb-"

Kokichi(Kyo): "If you say that she planned this then you really are an idiot, miu easily saw that maki could easily kill people with little hesitation and knew that she herself would stand no chance in any type of fight as maki would most likely anticipate a trap or would react quick enough to evade the trap"

Kaito: "How do you know there wasn't a trap"

Kokichi(kyo): "Look around idiot, there's no evidence of any trap or contraption being made besides the octa-pack which is still a prototype."

Kaito: "Well she could have used it as a weapon"

Kyo was now starting to get annoyed at how persistent Kaito was being at protected maki.

Kokichi (Kyo): "To do that she would have to implement a whole new script of code which is impossible because even with Ayano and Sora working on it together it still took them several hours."

With that mikan injected Kokichi to put him to sleep and when she tried pulling Kokichi off of Miu he would just hug her harder refusing to let go so mikan got help from Gonta to move them to the nurse office and placed the two on a gurney.

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