Chapter 10: The Irouma family and D.I.C.E

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This takes place a week after the last chapter and over that time kokichi has been more time with tenko and Miu which confused the rest of the DRV3 cast even D.I.C.E Harmony because they never saw tenko being nice to a male besides a very rare compliment. Over this time the tenko and irouma have been trying to figure out how they were going to tell D.I.C.E harmony and then Miu came up with an idea.

Narrator POV:

Irouma and tenko enter the cafeteria and go over to D.I.C.E Harmony

Kirumi: "Hello you three how you been doing."

Tenko: "Well we been doing great and kichi and I are now siblings"

D.I.C.E Harmony: *Shocked that tenko and kokichi are friendly now*

Miu: "Um I think we broke them"

Rantoro: "No we're still here but we're just suprised that tenko willingly said your name"

Kiibo: "I agree Tenko isn't normally nice to males"

Tenko: "I was that bad before"

Kiibo: "Yep you were as anti-male as miu is horny"

Kokichi: "Kiiboy that isn't how your supposed to talk about your mother"

Kiibo: "Ok I won't father"

Kokichi: "That's right learn to respect your parents"

Rantaro: "oh~ so when's the wedding for you two"

Miu: "Hmm I don't know probably after this gremlin proposes"

Kokichi: " But even then we still have to make all of the arrangements and invite people so I would say maybe 4 months after I propose"

Kiibo: "Hold on bring it back a second, I was joking."

Miu: "Oh we know you wee but" *Kisses Kokichi on the cheek*

Kokichi: "We are now together"

D.I.C.E Harmony-irouma: "SINCE WHEN"

Kokichi: "No need to yell and to answer your question, since about a week ago when tenko became my adopted sister."

Tenko: "Now I am the little robots aunt"

Kiibo: "I'm ok with that since I technically have no real parents"

Kokichi: "Yay now I have a wife and kid" 

Kokichi then brings kiibo and miu into a group hug and the rest of D.I.C.E Harmony and tenko were happy that the group were now acting like a family but like all things something bad had come around to mess up the happy the three had which in this case to form in himiko who had a cast on her face and right arm.

Himiko: *Slightly muffled due to the case* "Tenko come back to me now, because of you I now have to wear these annoying casts"

Kokichi: "Ah ah ah little miss magician, tenko isn't your pet under your control anymore."

Himiko: *pissed* "I'll show you"

Right as Himiko said that she swung her left arm to try and punch kokichi but the punch was stopped by a girl with light brown hair in pigtail and a mask that covered just her eyes.

???: "I wouldn't be trying to attack boss if I were you little girl" 

Himiko: "Who are you calling little girl twerp"

Himiko then rushes toward ??? but before ??? could do anything tenko knocked out himiko by chopping at her nape.

Kokichi: "Now that that's over how is been since I've gone Aya.

???: "It's been chaotic like usual"

Miu: *slightly jealous*"So kichi mind explaining who she is"

Kokichi: *notices* "Oh you don't need to worry ruru this is aya who is one the 9 main high rollers of D.I.C.E"

Kirumi: "High Rollers?"

Kokichi: " High Rollers are basically the highest role in D.I.C.E only below me.

???: "Well let me introduce myself I am Ayano Okamoto and for some reason I was assigned to be the Ultimate joker."

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