Chapter 4: The inventor and Liar meet some of the Remnants of despair

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The cast of SDR2 are still called the remnants of despair because they were the only game where their core past memory (their backstories) was not altered in any way but did include an entire group of people who were associated with despair.

Kokichi POV:

It has been a week since I gave my threat to himiko and ever since then everyone besides gonta, miu, kirumom, kiiboy, and rantaro have been avoiding me like the plague.

Over this time though miu and I have been hanging out a ton and it has been the most fun I have had spending time with anyone who isn't my family. Today me and miu were walking around when we stumbled into the remnants of despair section of the vicinity and were met with a pleasant surprise.

Kokichi: *laughing* "No way you actually did that"

Miu: *Laughing* "Yeah and kiibo flopped around on the ground for half an hour thinking he was a fish."

Narrator's POV:

Suddenly kokichi and miu heard someone say something from behind them.

???: "No way is that the purple gremlin"

Kokichi: "Only one person"

Kokichi then stops and turns around to see fuyuhiko kuzuryu and peko pekoyama

Kokichi: "BABY GANGSTER (fuyuhiko) AND SILVER SAMURAI (Peko)"


Peko then puts her hand on fuyuhiko's shoulder

Peko: "Please calm down yuyu"

Kokichi: *gasps* "Did you two finally get together after simping for each other for so long"

Fuyuhiko: *Blushing* "W-what do you mean we were never s-simping for e-each o-other."

Kokichi: "Yeah right like you both weren't painfully in love with each other before"

While this was going on miu sat there extremely confused at who these people were.

Miu: "Anyone gonna explain what the f*ck is going on"

Kokichi: "This is fuyuhiko kuzuryu the ultimate yakuza and his now lover and bodyguard peko pekoyama the ultimate swordswoman."

Fuyuhiko: "ohhhhh~ seems like the purple gremlin finally found a lover"

Irouma: *Blushing* "W-we're n-not d-dating"

Fuyuhiko: "Oh really cause you two don't act like it"

Kokichi: "S-shut up"

Peko: "Calm down yuyu if you keep going, they'll faint"

After irouma calmed down they said goodbye to fuyuhiko and peko.

Miu: "Well that was an interesting encounter to say the least."

Kokichi: "Yeah but while we're here let go se-"

???: "Mmmh what's with all the noise"

Irouma look in direction of the voice and see a girl with light pink hair waking up from sleeping in a chair.

Kokichi: "Is that Chiaki Nanami the ultimate little gamer."

Chaiki: " Who you calling little"

Kokichi: "You obviously"

Chaiki: "Says the one shorter then me"

Kokichi: " Coming from the person sucks at tetris that is"

Chiaki: "You know why I'm not good at it"

Kokichi: "Excuses excuses"

kokichi and chiaki then continue to argue while miu again watches helplessly at the two and then all of sudden the two get seperated by mikan who somehow came from out of nowhere.

Mikan: "Ok you two calm down or else I will calm you both down myself"

When Mikan said this an aura appeared around her.

Ibuki: "Calm down miki your scaring miu"

Mikan: "Ok buki"

Kokichi: "buki? miki? Do you two mind explaining what's going on between you two."

Mikan: "Well you see me and buki are dating."

Kokichi: "Ok I support you but Ibuki"

Ibuki: "Y-yes kichi"

Kokichi: "You hurt mimi and I will make you regret ever existing"

Miu: "Koki calm down and don't scare ibuki (Miu knows who she is because ibuki is a famous musician)"

With that miu and kokichi talked with band-aid while walking around the remenants of despair section of their vicinity.

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