Chapter 13: An Assassin's warning

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Miu POV:

I wake up and I see that I'm in the nurse's office which confused me at first and then I remember having to stop psy from basically torturing maki for attacking me. I was about to get up when I felt something heavy on my chest and surprisingly it was kichi who looked so cute when he was asleep, so I just sat there watching him until he woke up about a minute later.

Miu: "Morning kichi how are you doing"

Kokichi: "Morning ruru I'm doin-"

Kokichi then looked turned and looked at me before jumping on me and holding me tight.

Kokichi: "Thank atua that you are alright, I don't know what I would do without you."

Miu: "Wouldn't you just be the normal you, I don't see wat makes me so special."

Kokichi: " No ruru you are the one who can make me want to stay glued to you because of how fun you are to be around, you are the girl that isn't in my family who accepts me for who I am and not for my personalities or what I might give you, if I never met you I would have probably gone insane and shut off most connections with anyone from our class if it wasn't for you being around to calm down and make me happy again."

While I was hearing this, I couldn't help but hug kichi and then we heard someone say something from the door to the nurse's office.

???: "Geez dad you sound like you are about to propose, if you are, where's the ring."

Kokichi: "SON what are you doing here"

Kiibo: "I came to check on my horny mother and psycho dad."

Miu: "Hey, you're right but the truth hurts you know."

Kiibo: " Kind of ironic saying my father and one of my grandmothers are basically professional liars."

Kokichi: "Hey I take a personal offence to that."

Kiibo: "Yeah yeah old man"

Kokichi: "That's right respect your elders, anyways ruru what happened for the lousy assassin to attack you."

Miu: "Well she came into workshop demanding information about you for some reason and when I refused to tell her anything she attacked me, and I had to use the octa-pack to defend myself."

I then look at kiibo and kichi and I see that both were ready to commit a murder.

Kokichi: *Grinning widely* " Hey son how about your old man teach you one of my favorite tricks."

Kiibo: "Sure let's go father"

Miu: *sigh* "Just make sure you don't kill anyone or traumatize her to bad."

Kokichi and kiibo: *in sync* " No Promises"

Miu: *chuckles* "Well R.I.P maki's peace of mind and sanity."

Narrator POV:

(Time skip about 3 hours later)

Maki then wakes up in a dark room where the only two light were above her and one that showed a tied up kaito.

Maki: "Kaito you idiot wake u-"

Just then Kaito's head slid off his body and rolled towards maki until his face was facing towards her.

Kaito: *weakly* "I-it's a-all y-your f-fa-ult m-maki-r-roll."

Upon see this maki then fainted and after she fainted the kaito head then closed it's eyes and opened up its face to reveal that the face was just a robotic copy.

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