Chapter 11: The high rollers and the mask of a genius

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Narrators POV

???: "Well let me introduce myself I am Ayano Okamoto and for some reason I was assigned to be the Ultimate joker."

Kirumi: "Ayano what do you mean by that"

Ayano: "Well from what the staff of Hope's Peak said I was five different Ultimates wrapped up into one person."

Gonta: "Gonta would like to ask friend Ayano what ultimate's she has."

Ayano: "Oh well the staff said I was eligible for the ultimate programmer, judo master, strategist, chemist, and-"

Just then 8 people with different masks on came rushing into the cafeteria and all gave Kokichi a group hug.

???1: "Boss is so nice to see you again"

???2: "Yeah we all missed you"

Kokichi: "Hehe its good to see you guys again"

While this was going on everyone started to gather near the pile of people with everyone besides Tenko, Ayano, and D.I.C.E Harmony being confused at who people were and why they called Kokichi boss.

Maki: "What the f*ck is happening here"

Ayano: "Oh well the high rollers of D.I.C.E are just happy to see boss after so long"

Everyone besides the ones who knew were shocked that kokichi told the truth about something when they were in the killing game.

Kokichi: "Ok can you guys introduce yourselves to everyone"

Everyone then introduced themselves (check the previous chapter for their names and Ultimate's)

Kokichi: "Now can I get an update on any major events while I was gone"

Sora: "Oh yeah so-"

Sora and Kokichi then talk about all the different thing that have happened in D.I.C.E while everyone from DRV3 just stared at the two with most looking with admiration at how he is able to have an organization which he runs even with his past. There was one who didn't like it though and that was maki who then ran to attack Kokichi again but just like the other times she was stopped but not by an someone hold her back.

Maki:*Rushes at Kokichi with a knife"

Maki was about to hit Kokichi when she heard Kaito shout at her.


The difference is that when maki looked towards the source of Kaitos voice she saw only Ayano standing there.

Kaito: "Wait a minute where did that come from, I didn't say anything."

Ayano: "That would be me since I am part an ultimate mimic so I simply mimicked Kaito's voice and tone so that maki would stop.

Tenko: *sparkle eyed* "That is so cool"

Ayano: *giggles and slighty blushes* "We can hang out later and I can show other voices I can mimic."

Kokichi: *notices* "Ohh~ I see now"

Ayano and tenko: *Become tomatos*

Kokichi: "Anyways I have a lot to do so come on high rollers and ruru lets go."

Hana: "Wait who is ruru, is she or he your lover."

Kokichi: "W-well u-um"

Miu: *hugs kokichi from behind* "Yep I'm this gremlins lover"

Kokichi: *becomes a tomato* "R-ruru p-please s-stop."

The girls of the high rollers are fangirling while the boy are laughing at how quickly Kokichi became a tomato.

Kokichi: "A-anyways let's get going, we have a lot of work to do."

With that Kokichi, the high rollers, and miu left the cafeteria.

2 weeks later

Over this time Kokichi and Miu have been making inventions in the mechanics workshop of the facility with sora and Ayano and over this time they notice another attitude change in Kokichi as he would act just like Miu would act and one day D.I.C.E harmony went to see Miu and when they entered, they say Kokichi hanging from the ceiling with metal tentacles coming from his back.

Rantaro: *Shocked and confused* "What the f*ck"



Everyone but Rantaro: "SAY WHAT NOW"

Rantaro: "What did you expect I traveled around the world and most of the places I went to had either English or Spanish as the main language.

Kiibo: "Besides that what is dad doing on the ceiling"

Miu: "Well me, your idiot father, Sora, and Ayano have been working on a type of prosthetic limb which could work of mental thought rather than having to use your hand and this is a prototype.

(Its similar to doctor octupus's tentacle things he has.)

Kokichi: "Hey shut the f*ck up you f*cking virgin"

Miu: "Oh you wanna go you gremlin"

Kokichi: "Oh lets go you b*tchlet"

The two then started to fight and while they were fighting kiibo went to sora.

Kiibo: "Um sora can you explain what happened to dad.

Sora: "Well from what we saw it seems like boss made another personality based of Miu so he's normally fighting with Miu ironically, but he has also adapted part of her skill in working with technology too, so he's been helping a good bit."

Kiibo: *Sighs and slightly smiles* "I guess my family is growing again, so what did you name this mask"

Sora: "Well boss named him venti"

Kiibo: "Interesting well I guess we'll be over, good luck with those two."

Ayano: *Chuckles* "Okay see you guess"

With that D.I.C.E Harmony left the mechanics workshop while irouma were fighting each other and Sora and Hana were watching.

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