Chapter 8: The Aftermath and a new sibling

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Kokichi POV:

I woke up and the last thing that I remember was that I was beating up that b*tch who was abusing tenko and I blacked out and when I looked around, I saw Tenko sleeping in mom's lap with tear marks on her face.

Kokichi: "Is she ok mom."

Celestia: "Yes dear she is alright now; she just fell asleep after finally releasing the emotions she had pent up all this time"

Kokichi: *slightly smiling* "I'm glad and where is Himib*tch"

Celestia: "As much as I agreed with you, please refrain from that language please."

Kokichi: "Sorry Mom"

Celestia: "It's ok dear I understand why you feel that way and mikan dragged her to the nurse's office to fix some of her wounds"

Right on queue mimi, ruru, mama, and Geno came into the cafeteria and ruru ran and gave me a hug.

Miu: "Good to see you awake kichi"

Kokichi: "Good to see you too ruru"

Mikan: "Hey kichi how are you"

Kokichi: "I'm good and did I do any permanent damage to the dumb magician"

Mikan: "Unfortunately no, but you did fracture parts of her skull, broke her right arm and gave her many bruises."

Miu: "Should have let you keep going on for a little longer."

Everyone-Tenko and Miu : "Agreed"

Just then Tenko woke up

Narrator POV

When Tenko woke up she started to freak out again but was immediately was calmed down by Kokichi surprisingly enough.

Tenko: "W-what a-are y-you d-do-"

Kokichi: "Calm down and focus on my breathing"

With that kokichi and tenko sat there until tenko calmed down

Tenko: "H-how did you know how to do that"

Kokichi: "Well what I told you guys the day I woke up was not a lie and living with an entire family who are all prone to our own panic attacks can cause us to know what to do when one or more of us freak out."

(Celestia will sometimes have identity crisis's and Kyoko will start to freak out if she can't solve a case she has)

Tenko: "But why were as mad as you were when you found out the truth."

Kokichi: "Well I know what it's like to be abused by both someone I like and my family"

Miu: "Hold on a second when did you get abused by someone other then your old family"

Kokichi: " Well in middle school before mom and mama adopted me this one girl I like would abuse me and say that's how couples would show affection to each other and due to how I was abused at school, I never knew what true love was, I believed every word she said."

Kokichi then looked at tenko and miu who were on the verge of crying and suddenly miu hugged him and finally let loose her tears

Miu: *Crying* "I'm so sorry you had to go through that"

Tenko: *Also Crying*

Kokichi: "I'm alright now but Tenko please tell me who are the people abusing you beside himiko"

Tenko: "I-I d-don't w-what y-you a-are t-t-alking about."

Kyoko: "Please do not lie dear we have the equivalent of two ultimate detectives and two people who naturally lie here so please do not
hide it and cause us to have to push further for the answer."

Tenko: " O-ok, W-well f-from my memories of before the killing game it seems like I practiced aikido as a way to protect myself from parents abuse and I thought that if I told someone I could make progress to getting over my trauma but himiko just used it against me to do whatever she wanted to me."

Kokichi and toko: *in sync* "Mama do we have permission to kill them"

Kyoko: "As much as we all want to, it would be immediately traced back to you kichi"

Miu: *shocked* "Wow you guys really are biologically related"

Kokichi: "Besides that, mama can we adopt Tenko"

Kyoko: "Well after hearing her story, we could get all of the legal documents done by tomorrow."

Kokichi: *smiling* "YAY WE HAVE A NEW SIBLING"

Kokichi then hugged Tenko in which Tenko returned the hug with a big smile on her face.

Tenko: *While smiling and slightly tearing* "Thank you guys so much"

Everyone just watched as the two broke the hug and kokichi started to talk about all the things they could do when they officially become family and after a little while the both of them fell asleep on each other's shoulders.

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