Chapter 15: The Date

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Ayano POV
Boss told us that Mimi and ibuki were going to teach me how to ask Tenko on date while him, fuyuhiko, and peko would figure out where me and Tenko would go for the date.

Ayano: "Ok so how am I going to do this."

Mikan: "Well you should ask if she wants to hang out with you which is simple."

Ayano: "I know it's just what if she doesn't like me back, what if she finds me annoying, What if-"

Ibuki: "Woah Woah calm down Ayano all you have to do is be yourself and ask her you don't to over complicate it."

Ayano: "But what I-"

Ibuki: "Calm down your sounding like Miki when she was about to ask me out"

Mikan: *flustered * "W-wait h-how do you know a-about that."

Ibuki: "Well through our old friend Nagito of course"

Mikan: "I knew that it was a bad idea to ask him for help."

Ibuki then hugged Mimi

Ibuki: "Aww~ don't be like that miki "

Narrator POV

While ayano and band- aids discussing was going on Kokichi and fuyupeko were figuring out where ayano and Tenko could go for their date.

Fuyuhiko: "Ok purple gremlin what does Tenko like."

Kokichi then suddenly became very hyper.

Kokichi(chichi):  "Oh so Tenki likes show about strong female and even though she might look like it she is a huge anime and-."

Fuyuhiko: "Hold on a sec let me go make a call very quick."

Fuyuhiko then pulls out his phone and calls someone.

Miu: "The beautiful girl genius Miu Iruma here what do need."

Fuyuhiko: "Wow ego much"

Miu: "Yeah yeah midget gangster"

Fuyuhiko: "DON'T CALL ME TH-"

Just then peko took away the phone before fuyuhiko broke.

Peko: "Hello miu this is peko."

Miu: "Oh hello there silver samurai"

Peko: *sighs* "It seems like you and Kokichi are going to be calling me that from now on."

Miu: "Yep"

Peko: *Smirks thinking miu will get flustered* "So I guess you guys only need to be dating for it to be complete."

Miu: *nervously laughs* "Well you"

Kokichi(chichi) : *In the background* "Hey ruru how you doing."

Miu: "I'm fine chichi"

Peko: "Chichi?"

Miu: "Well yeah that's the personality based off his little sister kotoko."

Peko: "I see well the explains it."

Miu: "Ok now that that's settled you should stop your boyfriend from killing my boyfriend."

Peko: "Alright I'll t-"


Miu: "For about a month now."

Peko: "Ok well thank you for the insight miu."

After that fuyupeko and chichi figured out what Ayano was going to do for her date.

Ayano POV

We just got finished with planning the date and I just had to ask out Tenko.

Ayano: "Hey Tenko how are you"

Tenko: "Oh I'm good Ayano what do you need."

Ayano: "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the new captain marvel movie."

Tenko: *Excited* "Yeah of course I've been waiting to watch that movie ever since it came out."

Ayano: *slightly blushing* "Ok I'll pick you up a 6 ok."

Tenko: "Alright see later aya"

Narrator POV

(After the date since I don't know how to narrate that)

After the movie ayano and Tenko went to a nearby boba cafe where they sat down and talked and when they were on there way back to the facility ayano asked a question.

Ayano: "U-um Tenko can I ask you something."

Tenko: "Sure Aya"

Ayano: "W-will you be my g-girlfriend"

Ayano closed her eyes expecting a rejection but was met with someone kissing her on the lips.

Tenko: "Does that answer question Aya"

Ayano: *Bright red* "Y-yeah"


The two then look towards the voice to see the yasuhiro family + Miu.

Ayano: *Tomato* "W-what a-are you guys d-doing here."

Kokichi: "Well obviously we had to see if the date went well"

Tenko: *blushing and angry* "So you guys followed us throughout our entire date."

Kyoko: "Oh look they have another case for me to solve see you at home tenko."

Celestia: "Oh look a new casino to bankrupt bye."

Toko: "Oh seems like Maru needs us right Koko"

Kotoko: "Yep I hear them too, bye big sis Tenko."

Miu: "Oh I just got a new invention I want to create wanna help me kichi."

Kokichi: "Yep let's go ruru"

Mikan: " Oh I'm need at the nurse office bye"

After that the yasuhiro family+ Miu all ran for lives and prayed that ayano could calm her down before she reached home.

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