Chapter 7: The truth behind the aikido master and magician

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2 weeks later

Kokichi POV:

Over the past few days I've noticed a couple things with both himiko and tenko, 1. tenko is not as outgoing as she normally would and now it looks liek she needs the comfirmation of himiko before doing anything. 2. Himiko has changed from a girl who would be terrified of the slightest thought of blood to someone who was going around acting like the boss of everyone and 3. Tenko no longer wore the types of clothes she wore in the killing game but chose to wear formal clothes. (Like what shion wore in that time I got reincarnated as a slime)

 (Like what shion wore in that time I got reincarnated as a slime)

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(Ignore the sword)

Today ruru (kokichi's nickname for miu) and I were walking into the cafeteria where we met up with who I like to call D.I.C.E Harmony (Rantaro, Kiibo, Kirumi, Gonta and Miu) due to them being made up of the people I care about from my killing game which was called Killing Harmony for some reason. I then went over and hugged Kirumom.

Kokichi: *While hugging Kirumi* "Hey Kirumom how are you and the others doing"

Kirumi: *Smiles* "I am doing fine kokichi dear, but can you please stop calling me that, I don't want to feel like I'm replacing your real parents."

Kokichi: " Don't think like that Kirumom, I could never replace them, and you're like a third mom to me and the others"

Gonta: "Gonta agrees with friend kokichi, friend kirumi does remind Gonta of a mother."

Rantaro: "Same"

Miu: "Yep and Kiibo here is my child"

Kiibo: *Smirks* "Does that make kokichi the father then"

Miu: *Blushing hard* "W-what are y-you talking a-about K-kiibo."

Kokchi: *Kokichi.EXE has stopped working*

Kiibo: "It looks like I was right"

Irouma: "Shut it kiiboy/Kiibo"

D.I.C.E Harmony-irouma: *Laughing*

Just then himiko and tenko came over to our group and went over to gonta.

Himiko: "Gonta I need you to come with me and Tenko, we need to talk"

Gonta: "Gonta will go in a few minutes as Gonta is talking to other friends"

Himiko: "I don't care, I told you that you are coming with me and Tenko."

While this was going on I saw Tenko just sitting there watching go on with no intention of intervening or even talking anyone without confirmation from Himiko.

Kokichi: "Hey tenko how are you doing today"

Tenko then looked at Himiko, but Himiko was too busy with Gonta to notice her.

Kokichi: "Hey come on lets talk somewhere else"

I then grab her arm but she then flinched in pain and move away.

Kokichi: *thoughts* "Please be a lie for once"

I then grab my scalpels and I cut the sleeves of her shirt up until they reached her elbow and what I saw was what I saw was something that wanted me to commit murder right then and there.

Narrator's Pov:

Tenko's arm that was revealed was almost completely purple from brusing or had cuts. Upon seeing this kokichi ran over to himiko and started to beat her up ignoring peoples cries for him to stop.


Shuichi: "Miu please stop psy before he kills himiko"

Miu: *Seething with anger as she saw tenkos arm* " Oh that isn't psy that is Kichi's pure rage and to be honest I might join him in beating himib*tch."

Shuichi: "What do you mean that's not psy"

Kirumi: *trying to keep her composure* " What Miu means is that psy primarily uses scalpels or sharp objects in general while Kokichi right now is using only his fists while he has his scalpel on him so psy is not in control."


Miu: "Tch, I guess I will stop him this one-time"

With that Miu pulled out a syringe and used it to put kokichi to sleep and when she pulled him off of Himiko, all she saw was Himiko with a bloodied face that could have become unrecognizable if it not been for her stopping Kokichi.

Miu: "Serves you right b*tch"

Shuichi: "Um what was that"

Miu: "They are an anesthetic which mikan gave to trusted people in case psy or kotoko were to start acting up."

All of sudden Celestia, Kyoko, and mikan came running into cafeteria wondering what happened and saw a knocked out Kokichi, bloodied Himiko, and Tenko who was trying to hide her arm but was doing a horrible job and stated to freak out.

Kyoko: "I see, Celes go calm down Tenko, and as much as I don't want to do this I have to, mimi go take Himiko to the nurse office and patch her up."

Celestia: *Figured out what happened* "Alright dear"

Mikan: *Also figured it out* "Ok mama "

Mikan then dragged Himiko on the floor instead of carrying her in her hands to make sure she didn't get an enjoyable ride to the nurse office.

Kaito: "Shouldn't she be carrying Himiko in her hands to make sure she doesn't anymore injured"

Kyoko: "Yes, but due to this situation I don't believe it would be likely that mikan would be able to hold Himiko without purposefully dropping her a couple times."

Celestia POV:

I walk over to Tenko and I still see her doing a horrible job trying to hide her arm

Celestia: "Dear please stop trying to hide it everyone already saw your arm."

Tenko: "I-I d-don't k-know w-what y-your t-talking a-about"

Celestia: "Dear you are a horrible liar"

I then bring her into a hug an pet her hair which seemed to be enough that she was willing to release her hidden emotions and she started to cry as loud as she could not caring how many people were around.

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