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Hyewon stopped her car in front of a house. She raised her eyesbrows when she saw the house.

"This is your friend's house?" Hyewon asked while pointing at someone's house that she very know.

Eunbi shook her head. "No. Beside the house." answer Eunbi and pointed beside the house.

Hyewon nodded. "Ahhh I thought―" Hyewon couldn't finished her words when she saw two girls were walking out from the house that she pointed earlier.

"Yuri?" Hyewon mumbled. Eunbi then get out from the car and Hyewon decided to followed her.

Yuri was a little bit shocked when she saw Eunbi with Hyewon.

"Ohh Yuri ssi. Hi." greeted Eunbi and bowed. Yuri smiled awkwardly and bowed back.

"H-Hi Eunbi. S-So, you are Yena's friend." said Yuri and Eunbi chuckles as she nodded.

Hyewon stares at Yena. Yuri noticed it and touch Hyewon's hand. "Hyewon ah, this is Choi Yena. My neighbour."

said Yuri and Yena smiled to Hyewon. Hyewon returned the smiled sincerely and they shake their hands.

"Ahh so you are Choi Yena. I heard a lot about you but never meet you. I didn't expect that you are Eunbi's friend."

Eunbi rolled her eyes and squeaked. "Now, why are you calling me?" asked Eunbi to Yena.

"Ahh yes. I want to ask a help from you to help me and Yuri clean her house." said Yena, earning a confused look from Eunbi and Hyewon.

"What happen?" asked Hyewon seriously. Yuri clear her throat and she stay silent.

Yena told Hyewon everything and both Eunbi and Hyewon was shocked.

"You didn't tell me, Yuri?! You hide it from me?!" Hyewon raised her voice up without her realized.

Yuri felt scared and she chuckles awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry, Hye. I don't want to burden you." said Yuri.

Hyewon sighed. "Forget it. Now, we will help you right Hyewon?" ask Eunbi and Hyewon just nodded.

Yena and Yuri smiles. "Then, let's go!" said Yena and they walked leaving Hyewon alone behind them.

Hyewon bitterly smiled looking at Yuri's figure.

You don't want to burden me? Then, you want to burden Yena because you want her attention right? You like her, don't you?

"GUYS, let's stop here for today. Come, let's rest." said Yuri and placed the water jug with the cup of drinks on the table.

Yena, Eunbi and Hyewon turn around and obeying her. They stopped from doing their works and leaning closer to Yuri.

"Here, drink first." added Yuri give them the cups one by one.

"Thank you, Yuri." said Hyewon and Yuri reply her with a sweet smiled. They then drink for a while and chatting together.

"So, want to finished the works today or just tomorrow?" asked Eunbi. Yena and Yuri looked at each other.

"I think we will just continue tomorrow. Since now was already night and it might bothering the other neighbour. And don't worry, tomorrow only me and Yuri will clean her house because it's not too many anymore and we can handle it."

explained Yena and Yuri nodded, supporting the girl. Eunbi smiled and nods meanwhile Hyewon's face changed.

But she covered her face with a fake smiled. "Okay then. I will see you guys maybe next week?" Yena and Yuri nodded.

They all stood up and walked to the main door. "We will go now. Yah Miss Bunny, I will send you home okay?" asked Hyewon.

Eunbi rolled her eyes make Yena and Yuri laughed.

"Whatever, Miss Annoying." Hyewon smiled and bowed to Yena and Yuri. "See you guys next time."

they bid a goodbye and Hyewon leave the house with Eunbi. She drive leaving the house.

Yuri turn to Yena. "Let's clean this and rest." said her and Yena looked at her. Yet, she nodded.

YENA was done showering and wear her pyjama. She then walked downstairs to look for Yuri.

She look around the house but she cannot find Yuri. "Yuri?" called Yena. She walked to the living room and saw Yuri was sleeping on the couch.

Yena left out a small smiled as she chuckles softly. Yena lean closer to Yuri and touch Yuri's head softly.

She decided to bring Yuri to her room so she lift Yuri up like a bridal style.

Yena walked to the room and open the door carefully using her leg.

She closed the door and leaning closer to the bed and she lay Yuri down. Yena adjust the comforter on Yuri's body and smiled.

"Cute." comment her and was about to go but then Yuri held her hand tight. Yena turn around.

"D-Don't leave m-me. Please.." Yuri said while her eyes still closed and Yena felt weird.

"Y-Yena.." called Yuri weakly before she suddenly crying.

Yena was panicked and she quickly lay beside Yuri as she get inside the comforter.

"Hey.. What's wrong, Yuri?" asked Yena gently and she hugged Yuri. Yuri hugged Yena back, she still closed her eyes.

"T-They leave m-me alone. H-How could them.." tell Yuri, she was sobbing. Yena silent, she don't know what Yuri are saying.

She don't know who is 'them'. Yena looked down and wipe Yuri's tears.

"H-How could them? I-I miss them even I had n-never meet them. I'm scared n-now.. If they were h-here, I would never b-be scared like this.."

added Yuri, she burst her face into Yena's chest.

Yena softly patted Yuri's head and she tighten the hugged.

"I miss my parents.." Yuri mumbled before she comeback to sleep. Yena left dumbfounded.


- The Girl Next Door -

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- The Girl Next Door -

to be continued.. thank you for vote, read and comment >3

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