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It's been one heck of a summer break, Kyle and I did our usual antics but I don't know, the memories we have this summer are completely unmatched by any other year
"He said he'll be down in a minute" Piper said coming out giving me another lemonade
Piper and I are thick as thieves, she's the little sister I never got and I'm the big sister she is missing. Living with her two brothers puts a lot of strain in this little one
But hey she's a fighter
"Are you excited to go back to school?" I asked Piper who smiled and nodded
"I know that this is going to be the year" She smiled
"The year?" I asked
"The year I pluck up the courage to speak to a boy" she said making me chuckle
"it's the small things for you Pipes isn't it" I laughed making her nod before she went running back inside 

This whole family have been there nonstop for Dad and I long before we lost mum and honestly don't think we'd be here without them 

I was sat by the side of their pool at the beach house waiting for Kyle to join me again but as per usual, he was taking his sweet ass time
Before I had chance to do anything, I turned as I heard a commotion coming from inside the house, I furrowed my brow half expecting it to be Kyle making a grand entrance but I was surprised when a tall dark hair familiar face came around the corner
He took one look at me before leaning against the frame of the door chewing on a tooth pick just like usual

"Hey Peanut" James chuckled looking in my direction
I rolled my eyes at the nickname that stems from us being kids
"Hey James" I replied watching as a smirk played on his lips
"Someone matured over summer break" He said nodding towards my chest
I rolled my eyes turning so I was laid on my stomach covering his visual
"In both areas" he said biting his lips slightly looking at my ass
"Get your head out of the gutter" I said making him chuckle
"Mmm now where is the fun in that Peanut" He teased 

I was about to say something but Deb soon came around the corner pulling James in for a hug
"My baby boy" She chimed hugging him before turning to look at me
"Hey Riley" she chuckled and I smiled
"Hey Deb" I replied
I glanced back at James to see him still smirking as he looked me up and down 


It was later in the evening, we were all sat around at the local café waiting for my dad to show
"So what did you get up to over summer?" Kyle asked looking towards James 
James sat in his usual spot looking down at his phone before clocking Kyle was talking to him, He chuckled leaning back into the chair to stretch
"Now baby bro, I don't kiss and tell" He smirked before glancing at me again but this time I broke the eye contact before he could utter anything towards me

"Riley" Piper said making me hum in response looking at her
"Can you braid my hair later?" she asked and I chuckled nodded before turning back to the boys 
"Look who's here!" Deborah said walking back over to our table with my Dad
I flashed dad a smile making him return it before kissing my cheek as he took a seat at the end of the table

"Can you believe in a blink of an eye. James you're about to start your senior year" Deborah said just as proud of James as James was
"you've mentioned it a couple times" He chuckled chewing on his tooth pick again. I don't understand the satisfaction with it
"and Kyle and Riley, you are going into your second to last year. It feels like yesterday you two were born 3 weeks apart" Dad said making me chuckle
It's been a long ride with these guys but one I wouldn't change for the world 

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