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"Oi James!" A voice said as I stood with the boys at lunch, it was a usual ritual for us to be here waiting for Kyle and Riley to walk past before I went to join them. But I was yet to see them yet, in fact I had barely seen the pair today which was rather uncommon

I turned to face the voice to see Kyle heading this way but there was no sign of Riley, I looked at him confused in the hope that he was about to explain that setback 

"Where is Riley?" I asked looking at him with a raised brow, we made a deal last night she would not be left alone and if one of us is not with her - I'm going to assume, she's alone 
"Come here and I freaking tell you. It isn't something the whole world needs to know" He warned me only making me a little more scarce on the situation

I followed Kyle as we walked away from the boys over to his and Riley's locker before I watched him glare a few people as they passed muttering something under there breath

"Will you spit it out already man, where is Riley" I said with a low tone to my voice. The more he delayed the more unimpressed I got 

"Have you not heard the rumours going around school James? Riley is the talk of them all" Kyle said making me furrow my brows at him
I hadn't heard anything at all but then my heads been more hyper focused on Riley. Since the incident a mere couple days ago she's been distant and I know she's slowly sinking into the dark place of her head 
I'm just hoping being there as much I can is enough to pull her out of it sooner rather then later 

"James everyone is going around saying that she cheated on you. I don't know what else she's heard but it is killing her" He said making my face instantly drop
"What" I asked and he nodded

"I walked into the library and people were huddling close by glaring at her calling her pathetic, claiming she cheated on you. Accused me of being the person she cheated on you with" He rambled

"Okay no offence Kyle but I don't really care about your problem in the situation. Where is Riley" I said, if I know that girl how I know here she's about to freaking sink
"I don't know, she ran out of the Library and I haven't seen her since - I've looked everywhere" he said making my eyes widen slightly

"When, when did she leave?" I asked
"I don't know, maybe 15 minutes ago?" He answered and that is all I needed to hear before I headed straight out the double doors. 
There is no chance that she is still at school right now, she is long gone


I got to her house to see Riley's Dad's car nowhere to be seen but there was a slight light coming through one of the windows meaning the hallway light was on
Riley was inside but she was trying to make it seem like she wasn't. Which means my head was in the right place when I assumed she was sinking 

But to what degree

I walked into the house and didn't say a word, I knew if I did she would hide whatever she was doing and hide herself. The plan was to catch her before she had to the chance to do something 

The further up the stairs I got the more the sense of De Ja Vu set in. This whole situation reminds me too much of that night Kyle and I came over
As soon as I reached the landing, I came face to face with the same bathroom door that was shut. The same one I found her lifeless behind 

"Riley" I said softly knocking on the door before opening it see her sat at the end of the bath tugging on her sleeves 
I looked beside her to see another packet of tablets but right as her eyes met with mine they started to brim with tears 

"I didn't do anything, I promise" She said but I shook my head crouching down in front of her opening my arms allowing her to fall into them 
There was a damp sensation against my chest from Riley's tears but I didn't care

"I promise" She whispered again
"It's okay, I know" I whispered back stroking her hair
"It's okay, I've got you" I said as she curled up tighter into my arms 

After a little while, I managed to carry Riley out of the bathroom placing her in her bed letting her slowly drift off into a sleep right before her Dad came through the door meaning we'd been here a lot longer then I had realised 
I knew that she needed to get out of this place, she needed to clear her head before she completely became a victim to her own mind

I walked downstairs only to be greeted by her Dad with a confused expression
"Hey James, what are you doing here?" He asked, but the moment he caught wind of me expression I think he knew too 

"What happened" he breathed out
"She didn't do anything this time, I got here before she could" I muttered earning a sigh from her Dad

"One of these days we are going to lose her" he said bowing his head before running his hands through his hair

The one thing Richard has left since losing his wife is Riley. The pair of them have always depended on each other but even I could tell more and more so since Riley's grown up she became distant to everyone

She doesn't let people see this side of her, the dark side
But what she doesn't realise is that we all see it, we all want to help. But accepting help isn't as easy as 1 2 3 

"With your permission Richard, I want to take her away for a little bit" I said making Richard look up at me and smile slightly
"I think that's the best idea you've ever had James" He mumbled 

"Why don't you take her to the cabin, the one we used to spend Christmas' at?" He offered
That cabin alone has plenty of memories from all of us that it may just be enough to help Riley get out of this spiral 

"That's perfect" I said nodding 

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