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"So uh, how was the date?" I asked Kyle as we got to school the following morning
"It went great, you'd really like her Riles" he smiled, it was nice seeing this happy
"That's great, I can't wait to meet her" I said and he nodded
"How about she joins us tonight for game night?" he asked 
"Kyle, game night is a family thing. We don't even let James bring his pick of the week" I said and Kyle nodded
"Yeah but Jessica isn't a pick of the week" He said
"I'm saying this as your best friend Kyle. You can't bring her, it'll break tradition" I said
"What's the problem Riley?" he asked as we got to my locker

"the problem is we have a set way of things and you are already throwing them aside" I explained making Kyle scoff
"Riley, I haven't done anything wrong" He said raising his voice a little
"I haven't said you have Kyle, all I'm saying is that you can't bring her to game night" I said and he narrowed his eyes
"In that case, count me out" He said
"Kyle don't do this" I said trying to hold back tears
"Riley I love you but I'm not neglecting my new relationship for a stupid fucking promise we made when we were 3" He said making my eyes widen at him

"Yo Kyle, what are you doing?" James asked coming out of literal thin air
"James don't" I said
"If you want to throw it away so bad, don't let me stop you" I said motioning to where Jessica stood. Kyle scoffed shaking head walking away, just like I did but in the opposite direction


It feels like just like that, my friendship with Kyle means nothing. Yes we were young when we came up with half the promises we have but that doesn't make them any less real
Losing him right now hurts more then I can even explain
I don't what hurts more
The fact her chose another girl over me
The fact he doesn't care about the fact he's thrown me away

"Hey you" Dad said coming into my room
"Hey" I said closing my photo album
"i hear from Deb that you are Kyle are fighting?" He asked and I sighed burring my face in a pillow
"what's it about?" He asked as I looked over at him
"he started seeing this other girl and wanted to invite her to come to family game night after bailing on me 4 times in a row" I ranted
"Ah I see" he said 

"Tell me, what am I meant to do?" I asked and he sighed placing his hand on mine
"I can't tell you what to do bug, but what I can say is that sometimes there will come a point in your life where both you and Kyle grow up. When you both move on to the next chapter of your life, now I'm not saying that's now and I'm not saying that this is the end of your friendship" He started

"What I'm saying is, this could be the beginning of the next chapter" He said
"I don't want things to change" I confessed
"Riley change isn't always bad" he chuckled

"If I didn't let things change, I would never have met you mother and we would have never had you" He said placing an arm around me
"Sometimes in life things do go our way and that is okay. You take the sour with the sweet and eventually you'll get the perfect lemonade" he said placing a kiss on the top of my head

It's been a long time since I got advice from Dad but then again I guess it's because it's been a long time since I've needed any advice
But maybe for now I just need to give Kyle some space? Let him figure out the relationship, let him build a solid foundation before I could ruin it with how we are together

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