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Usually, this time of year would be the time I would go an stay with Kyle and his family. Dad goes away for a month before Summer hits us but this time, I don't think going over there would be fair on any of us
Plus, it's not really the place I want to be right now either.. 

"Honey?" A voice called making me furrow my brows heading back inside to see Deborah walking into the kitchen with a few bags of groceries
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked as Deborah poked her head out of the fridge offering me a smile 
"Well from the boys' feud, I think it's obvious what's going on" She said offering me a look
"Which meant, I knew you would end up staying here instead of joining us" She said finally closing the fridge heading over to the cupboard

I jumped up onto the side, sitting comfortably watching as she slowly put everything away
"Do they really hate each other?" I asked making Deb stop and look at me
"Hate is a strong word baby" She said coming to stand with me

"both of those boys care about you, both of them love you" She explained
"I don't know the ins and outs on what's gone on but if you think that this is what is for the best. I'm not going to talk you out of your choice" She said 
"But?" I asked
"But, I think you really need to talk to someone about it. Don't shut them both out" She suggested 

"I don't think there is much to talk about?" I offered earning another one of Deborah's famous looks 

"Why don't we start with what's gone on?" She suggested as she took a seat on one of the stalls in front of me
"James wasn't going to go to college because of me" I said making Deborah look at me confused
"What do you mean?" she questioned

"I mean, because of everything that's gone on recently, he wasn't going to go to College. I can't be the reason he puts his life on hold. I can't hold him back like that, I won't hold him back like that" I rambled
"Breathe Riley" Deborah said placing her hand on top of mine 

"I think that James cares more then any of us ever realised. We all knew growing up he had the protective big brother thing going but it's obvious it was always more then that" She explained
"College or no college, he's always going to be there" She said
"but pushing him away, especially right now. Might not be the best choice for either of you" She said

"What do you mean?" I asked 
"James is a stubborn boy. We both can testify to that" She laughed
"Regardless on your relationship status Riley, if his mind is made up on something" She offered

"It'll happen" I sighed knowing exactly what she was insinuating 


Deborah had left maybe an hour ago at this point. She had left me to my own thoughts, on a usual day, that wouldn't have been a bad thing but lately.. The more I'm left alone with them, the worse they get
But in this specific moment, I knew what I needed to do  

"You wanted me to come over?" A voice said making me look up to see James stood there

I nodded watching as he came and joined me on the bench outside, it was still light outside but it was that point of the evening where the sun was slowly setting

"What up Ri?" He asked looking at me, I wanted to go back in time and take it all back, I really did but that isn't plausible, that isn't the right thing to do right now 

"Why won't you go to college?" I asked, James began to huff shaking his head before sitting back against the bench
"Riley" He warned me
"You wanted to talk James, you wanted to explain. The floor is yours" I said hoping that would be enough to get him to talk 

"It's not that I don't want to go to college, I won't be going" He said
"Yes, that much I got, but why James?" I asked
"What if something happens Riley? What if I'm not here and something happens? Whether it's something with you, something with Piper, mum or even Kyle?" He asked
"I can't fix shit if I'm not here" He explained placing his head in his hands 

"James, you go away ever summer, what's the difference now?" I asked
Ever since James was maybe 12 years old, he went away to some sort of Camp over summer. I never really looked into it, it was just the normal

"There is a difference with the times Riley" He warned me
"It isn't on your shoulders to fix everything you know" I said placing my hand on his arm
He was getting agitated, annoyed, stressed and I couldn't blame him if I'm honest

"Regardless I'm not going Ri" he said looking up at me
"What if I said, I want you to?" I whispered 
"Riley" he warned 
"James" I said mimicking his tone

"I can't go" He said but I shook my head
"Can't? or won't?" I asked 

"It's bigger then this Riley, we both know that" He whispered but I shook my head
"Look at me" I answered watching as his hung continued to hang low until he slowly turned to face me

"You are going to college, you are going to go home and sort all of that out right now. You aren't going to let that what if's, the worries of all of us stop you. You are going for you and only you" I said 
"Riley I-" he started
"no if's, no and's, no buts James. You are going" I said 
"If you truly care about all of us, you'll do this for yourself" I said 

"And what does that mean for us?" He asked, the one question I don't think I was ready to answer 

"Whatever happens, happens I guess" I muttered 

I didn't know what the future in store for either of us but I knew it held something at least..

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