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It was the next morning, Kyle had left to get some coffee after we spent the entire night talking through everything 
He wanted to know what I was feeling
Why I did what I did 
All I could say was
Everything got a little too much, it felt like the entire world was against me

It broke my heart a little more confessing this but I knew if I could tell anyone. It would be Kyle or James. They aren't going to leave my sides at all for the upcoming days

I brought my spare hand over to tangle into James' hair, it would always be how I would wake him up in the morning
The smile that instantly formed on his face made all of this pain just that little bit more worth it

"morning" I smiled making James to slowly look up until our eyes locked 
"Ri" He breathed out before crashing our lips together
The second the kiss started, my hand found it's way to his cheek cupping it
James pulled away placing our foreheads together
"If you ever do anything like that again and I'm wrapping you in fucking bubble wrap" James said making me laugh a little before kissing him again

"mmm okay, that is going to take some time to get used to" Kyle said pulling a face at the door of the hospital room
"Do we know when I can go home?" I asked and the boys gave me a look
"Not yet Ri, you scared everyone shitless" James said making me pout
"Your temp and blood pressure need to stabilise better first" Kyle said being the voice of reason 

"Is you mum mad at me?" I asked making them both look at me confused
"Why on earth would mum be mad at you?" James asked
"For making you guys fight? Keeping you guys here?" I ranted
"First off, I made us fight" Kyle said 
"And secondly, you aren't keeping us here. We are choosing to be here" James said making me smile at the both of you


"Have you two made up?" I asked then asked pointing between the two of them
"eh somewhat" Kyle smiled
"He's still a dork" James teased
"And he's still a douché" Kyle said making James smirk
"Oh yeah? Wanna go there?" James asked pushing Kyle playfully before hitting him on the side of his head
"I left you guys to look after Riley not give her a bloody headache" Deb said coming it hitting both the boys on the head before smiling in my direction

"Hey baby" she said coming over to hug me, I smiled at her before looking over at the door to see a very concerned Piper
I smiled towards her but her worry didn't shift
"It's okay P" I said making her take a step forward
After a little more persuasion Piper was now sat by my on the bed
"I'm sorry if I scared you" I said pushing her hair out of her face, she let a few tears drop before crashing into my chest pulling me into the tightest hug possible
"Please don't ever try and leave again" She cried
"I can't do this without you" She said making me stroke her hair kissing the top of her head
"I'm here P, I promise" I said making her look at me before hugging me again and staying in that position

"You gave us all quite the scare" Deb said kissing my cheek
"I'm sorry" I said making her smile taking my hand
"you are here now and you are okay. That is all that matters" she smiled 

I can safely say, I'm glad luck was on my side that night. I'm glad that something happened to let me live another time 
I'm glad that everything is slowly falling perfectly back into place 

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