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"Dare I ask why you're in your gym clothes?" Kyle laughed standing by his car at the end of the day
He took another look at me before tapping my hair
"And why your hair is wet?" He asked and I glared at him
"Let's not talk about it and say we did yeah?" I offered and he chuckled holding his hands up in surrender before hopping into his car

"Did you hear the latest?" Kyle asked and I hummed looking in his direction
"Rumour has it, James has already moved on from the blonde" Kyle said rolling his eyes
"Sounds about right" I said looking out the window
"He's so going to make a bad name for me" Kyle said tapping on the wheel as he drove
"What do you mean?" I asked making Kyle chuckle

"Think about it Riles, if everyone knows about how James treats girls, who on earth would take a chance on his little brother?" he asked and I shrugged
"You realise nobody asks you out because we are always together" I said and he nodded
"Oh yeah I know that but hey, I'd rather have my best friend then any stupid girl anyway" He said flashing his smile at me
"Remember our promise" He smiled making me smile back
"No guy or girl comes above your best friend" I said making him nod
"Exactamundo" He chuckle making me roll my eyes at his dorkiness 


"Okay okay okay what about this" Kyle asked showing me another photo, I shot him a look before shaking his head
"What is this even for?" I asked turning over to lay on my stomach 
"It's for our yearbook! The photos have to be amazing" He said and I furrowed my brows at him
"Kyle, the photos for the yearbook aren't for another 3 months" I said and he shook his head
"Not at year book dummy! Our yearly journal thing" He said pointing to book shelve 
"You still want to do that?" I asked, it was a tradition we started when we were 10
"Of course!" He said now holding up more pictures
"I like the second one" I said smiling 

I headed back to my guest room in the house and began to tidy it a little. I tend to keep some spare clothes,  school clothes and basic essentials here so when dad goes out of town for business I have somewhere to crash if I need it
"I think we need to talk" James said coming into the room instantly closing it behind him
I rolled my eyes at him ignoring him

"Riley Dammit! I'm trying to talk to you" He said grabbing me to stop me doing what I was doing
"James Dammit! Try finding someone else to control" I said pulling my arm out of his grip
"Fuck sake Riley!" He groaned placing his hands through his hair
I rolled my eyes continuing what I had originally started

"Can you please talk to me" He said a lot calmer, I turned to look at him with a raised brow
"What do you want?" I asked making James sigh
"don't go doing anything stupid please, I did what I did to protect you" He said and I rolled my eyes turning away

"no James, you did what you did to control what I did" I said but James grabbed my arms again making me look at him again
"Riley, I'm not playing. You're starting a dangerous game" He said only centimeters away from my face
"Good thing that I've adapted to danger then" I said making him look at me
"Don't do this" He whispered 
"You started it" I said and he nodded
"I'm also finishing it" He said making me chuckle

"Riley, you in there? Why's the door locked?" I heard Kyle say knocking on the door, I turned to look at James before grabbing him pushing him into the closet and heading over to open the door
"There you are, what are you doing" He laughed looking behind me
"Oh nothing, I was just getting dressed and cleaning up, what's up" I asked smiling
"Your dad just got here, I was told to come grab you and James but hell knows where the douche is" Kyle chuckled

Little did he know, James was in my fucking closet
"Alright, lemme finish up in here and I'll be done" I said making him nod
"don't be too longggg" He chimed before leaving me to close the door
The moment I did I leant against the door with my eyes closed allowing my breathing to go back to normal
As soon as it was, I opened my arms to see James there with a smirk on his face
"Out" I warned him making him chuckle as he did as he was told 
This couldn't have been anymore hectic could it

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