
"Ew, why do you look so girly" Kyle asked walking into my room that Friday night
"Dumbass" I said making him chuckle as he slumped onto my date
"Oh it's your dateeeee" He teased making me roll my eyes 
"I still think this is a bad idea" Kyle said propping himself up on his pillows
"And why would that be?" I asked
"I dunno, James was talking about it and I agree with him" He said and I raised my brows at him
"Firstly, since when do you and James agree on anything?" I asked making Kyle burst out laughing

"Secondly, James has no say in what I do and don't do" I said to Kyle making him roll his eyes
"Look at your Miss Independent" He teased after I finished curling my hair
"How do I look!" I asked standing up smoothing over my dress
"You look pretty, I don't like it" He said making both of us laugh
"What happened to the annoying little girl I used to make mud pies with?" He said making me laugh again
"Eh, she's still here, she's just cleaned up for the night" I said giving him a warm smile
"After this date do we get to go back to being us?" he asked and I sighed nodding
"Movie day tomorrow?" I offered and he smiled nodding
"Wouldn't miss it for the world" He chuckled coming over and hugging me 


I won't lie, I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't even really know what you are meant to do on a date but yet here I stood in front of the restaurant waiting for Nathan to arrive
It did have me thinking, I know I'm not the prettiest girl going but why has it taken this long for someone to ask me out
I know I'm always with Kyle but like he's been on plenty of dates so why would that matter?
There isn't anything wrong with me right?

Standing here watching as people walking in and out of the restaurant, I was beginning to lose track of time. He was meant to meet me here at 8pm, It's now 9:03..

I must have got the time wrong or the day wrong? Surely?
Looking back through the text it merely solidified I was being stood up 

See you at Marcel's at 8pm tonight :) 

He knew long before thing that he wasn't showing up so why would he continue to keep up the ruse. Should I have listened to James? 
God I'll never admit to that but I'm beginning to think he was right 
I sighed looking at my phone one more time before admitting defeat

I called Kyle to come get me and he was here long before I could even blink
"you okay Riles?" He asked and I nodded looking out the window 
It's not that I didn't want to talk to him, it's that I was still processing everything
"Want me to drop you home or do you wanna crash at ours? It's only James and I that are home tonight" Kyle asked making me hum in response
"Either or" I muttered making Kyle nod
I'm pretty certain he knew from my demaner that I didn't want to talk 

As soon as we got back to his, I headed straight to the room I always end up sleeping
"Hey peanut don't you look ni-" James started before getting cut off with me slamming the door
"What's going on?" I hear James as Kyle as they stood in front of my door
"Nathan stood her up" Kyle said
"Dick" James said as I curled up onto the bed

Maybe I should have listened to all of the boys, they both said it was a bad idea now here I am a fucking mess over a stupid boy
A boy I barely even know. Maybe they did me a favour keeping this sort of crap from me all these years 

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