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\5 months later\

"Come on Roo! Before we miss them!" Dad called up the stairs, today was the big send off. James was actually leaving to head off to college, he couldn't have chosen one any further away 
The last few months have had their ups and down, James and I are on good terms, Kyle and James are on good terms
Everything was right in the world 

James and I never got back together, no matter how many conversations we had about it, no matter how many times I wanted to take it back 

I knew if I had, then he wouldn't be going now 

"I'm ready!" I smiled getting to the bottom of the stairs to see Dad looking through the mail before nodding as we headed to meet everyone

When everyone at school caught wind of the breakup between James and I, the girls began to try their luck again and part of me thought James would go back to his pick of the week routine but I actually hadn't seen him even look at a girl in that way since we split
Boys attempted there luck with me too but were soon shut down by either Myself, Kyle and James

It's weird to think how things had changed in the last year, I went from being the girl that nobody batted their eyes towards
Mainly due to James' protective nature that I was oblivious too
Too being the girl who had fallen for the boy she grew up admiring from a distance 
James was there the entire time, the awkward stages, the tears, the laughter, everything
That boy had seen me at my worst and he was the reason for the best of me too 
It's going to be strange not having him around
But we all have to spread our wings eventually 

We pulled up to the Airport only to see everyone there already, James had his suitcase by his side while Kyle and Piper laughed alongside him 
The true Sibling Trio

"Look who decided to show!" James smirked making me roll my eyes as Dad and I walked over to everyone, I leant against Deborah's car next to Piper as she sat on the tail end of it allowing her to lean on my shoulder

"So this is it huh champ?" Dad asked, Dad and James had always had father son relationship that Dad craved, he has it with Kyle too but nowhere near as much as he does with James
"I guess so" James shrugged before Dad pulled him into a soft hug 

When James and I split, I think everyone involved was concerned for James and Dad's relationship. I'm his little girl and James was the first guy he ever trusted with his little girl and then it all came to and end 
But let's be honest, I might be his little girl.. but he'll always have a soft spot for both of the boys, James included 

"I don't like this" Piper pouted making James chuckle as he came over ruffling up her hair cause her to glare at him
"Well that last 2 seconds, I take it back. Fly away now for all I care" Piper groaned 
We all started laughing before James grabbed her by the waist throwing her over his shoulder spinning the pair of them around until Piper squealed and we all watched the colour drain from her face
Had James continued, I think he would be riding this plane with vomit down his back the entire time 


James' plane was due to board in 20 minutes, everyone had disappeared to the gift shop to pick him up some 'light reading' for the plane
When we all know, James hasn't read a single thing in his life 
"sooo" I said clasping my hands together while James chuckle
"Awkward never looked good on your peanut" James said making me scoff looking at him with a smile 

That nickname..

"Do you have everything?" I asked making James look at me with a chuckle
"the first and probably last moment we get alone for months and your biggest concern is whether or not I have everything Ri?" James rebutted making me roll my eyes 
"Well I know how unprepared you can be" I said 
"Yeah? Name one time?" He asked taking step closer

"i mean you applied for college, 2 days before the deadline?" I smirked crossing my arms against my chest while James laughed before rolling his eyes

He opened his arms offering me a smile before I offered the same smile back, closing the gap between us, he closed his arms around me gently placing his head in the crock of my neck while  I tangled my finger tips in the small hairs on the back of his neck
We both could have stayed in this position forever and we would have been happy
But reality soon caught up to us...

We both pulled away slowly, James' arms still tightly hugging my waist while mine laid gently against his neck
"Please be careful" James whispered making me smile lightly as our foreheads placed against each others softly

"What's the worst that could happen? You'd be back in a heartbeat at the smallest inconvenience" I said letting out a small giggle 

James opened his eyes gently before looking into mine, there was a small shift in his gaze as his eyes dropped down to my lips before they returned to my eyes again 
I did the same to him and before I knew it..

Our lips gently placed together

One final time

We pulled away slowly and I pursed my lips together almost savouring the kiss for a moment longer, this is not how I thought our goodbye would go but it seems like it would be the perfect end to this story 

"I don't want this to be goodbye" James said looking at me
"don't think of it as goodbye, it's not like we aren't ever going to see each other again. You'll be back for Christmas, holiday's etc" I explained 
"Or I could just say Riley" He whispered leaning down slowly again 

"James you need to do this if not for yourself then for all of us" I started before looking up at him again
"For me" I whispered watching as his brown eyes were covered again closing his eyes taking in a deep breath in

"I'll go under one condition" He said opening them again to see this small glimpse of light hit his eyes
"You use your Senior year to all it's ability, no hiding away. You do whatever you want, without worrying about the consequences" He said with a smile 
"I will, if you do the same for your first year" I said mimicking his smile as he nodded

"now peanut, that's the best deal I've ever made" he winked before I shook my head pulling him in tightly for another hug
One final hug in the time we had alone 

Everyone soon joined us again knowing James' time left with us was limited, I couldn't take it all. We all watched as he began to hug us one by one, the hug we exchanged then was nothing compared to what we had shared moments before this

That was our real goodbye, this was the formality of the situation..

"See you all at Christmas" He chuckled before turning his back heading straight up the stairs
Everyone started to disburse into a little group, turning to walk away but I didn't move an inch
He was going to turn back.. I knew he would.. he had to right? 

"You coming Riles?" Kyle asked and I nodded
"I'll be there in a minute" I muttered making him look at me confused but shrugged it off

I continued watching as James slowly got to the top of the stairs, he stopped for a moment given me a small ounce of hope that he would turn around
But that was soon destroyed when he took another step forward
I sighed about to turn away myself when he stopped again..

This time, his whole body shifted turning around looking down at me again
He nodded with the same grin he would always have on his face before it soon turned into a smile as he continued his journey

Before I he was out of sight, my phone vibrated making me look down to see it was a text from James..

'See you soon Peanut x'

I smiled at it looking back up just in time to watch James slowly move on until he was completely out of sight.. 

He was gone.. Actually gone..

The End.

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