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"She's back ladies and gentlemen" Kyle sung as he approached James and I, we were stood at my locker with James' friends lingering around as we waited for Kyle
"And where have you been?" James asked with a raised brow
"What was it that you used to say before Riley?" Kyle asked leaning against the locker
"I don't kiss and tell?" Kyle smirked making both James and I look at him confused while Eldon and West continued to laugh

"I see how you two are related now" West said confidently making both James and Kyle roll their eyes
"Since when were you seeing someone?" I asked making Kyle tap my nose 
"I don't kiss and tell anymore" He teased 

"I give it not even 24 hours till he tells you everything" James said rubbing my waist slightly
"24 hours? He won't make it through first period" I laughed 

Sure enough, first period came and went and I won that little bet. Kyle spilled faster then a bucket of water that was just kicked over
From what I can gather, it isn't anything serious as of right now but like he says, who knows what the future holds 

Kyle and I were heading over to his house after school, most of the seniors were staying back to work on their exam prep, James and the boys included but are we surprised there grades aren't the best?

"So what else are you hiding from me?" I asked making Kyle go wide eyes, I was joking but evidently, he was hiding something?
We both took a seat on the bench outside where I continued to narrow my eyes at him waiting for him to crack again

"Oh would you look at the time" He said laughing standing up, I rolled my eyes grabbing his arm pulling him back down
"Spill Kyle" I said 
"I can't Riley" He said making me look at him confused
"Why not?" I asked
"We've been telling each other everything since we could talk" I muttered

"Yeah I know but trust me when I said this would do more damage then good" He said, I looked at him confused before watching James walk through the back gate 
Giving Kyle the perfect out leaving me sitting on my own

"You okay babe?" James asked coming and sitting with me
"Yeah, of course" I said offering him a smile, one I wasn't sure if it was believable 


It was later that evening, James had persuaded me to spend the night here which I didn't really have a reason to object to. But I couldn't help but let the conversation with Kyle replay in my head
What could be so serious that he couldn't and wouldn't tell me?

I've heard about everything, things I wish I had never, but nether the less I know it
and now were keeping secrets

Please don't tell me this is revenge for me not telling him about James...

"What's got your stressing Ri" James said opening his eyes, I thought he had fallen asleep a little while ago, he had been cuddled up to my side while I had laid here thinking
"I'm okay" I said using the same smile as earlier
"Tell that to your face because I'm not buying that" He said making me chuckle lightly 

"I was talking to Kyle earlier or at least I was trying to" I said tucking some hair behind my ear

"Yeah? What about?" James asked sitting up slightly so he could turn to me more
"I don't know, he won't tell me" I said making James furrow his brows
"Babe you can make Kyle talk for Britain, what do you mean he won't tell you" James laughed

"he told me that it would do more damage then good, before I could say anything else you walked in letting him run off" I explained

"Firstly, my bad" he chuckle
"secondly, pester him tomorrow. He's bound to tell you soon seeing as he knows you know now. His time with that secret is limited" James said pecking my cheek again

He was right, I could get Kyle to tell me before the end of tomorrow but like, I'm not worried he might be right

What if it does do more then good?
What could it even be..

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