
"You just had to tell her didn't you" I said standing in the door way leading to the garden, Kyle was sat out back in his usual spot when he wants to avoid all of his problems or in this case, the problems he caused
"James I-" He started
"There is no defending this Kyle. Why couldn't you just keep your nose out" I asked

"It should have come from you James, you shouldn't be keeping things like that from your girlfriend" He warned me

"Well that doesn't really matter anymore does it" I said making Kyle look at me confused
"What are you talking about?" He asked
"Riley just broke up with me" I said watching as his breath hitched 

"Because you didn't give me the chance to figure this out on my own, you didn't give me the chance to tell her myself. She's ended it with me" I said but Kyle shook his head at me

"I get I shouldn't have told her especially not in that way James but you cannot put the entire blame on me. We've been back home for weeks now and you knew long before then that you weren't going to go off to college. It should have come from you" He said
"So if Riley broke up with you for lack of communication. That's on you" He said
"not me, not Riley. You James" Kyle said 

"If you even want to begin to fix things with Riley, you need to grow up and accept you just as much at fault as the rest of us!" He said before grabbing his stuff walking past me

I didn't move an inch, I stayed in that position. I wanted to fix things, of course I did but I don't think that's even a possibility at this point
Getting Riley to talk to me was a struggle and that was before she broke up with me
She has no need to talk to me anymore..


I walked into school the next morning with the attempt to avoid everyone, I had already prewarned the boys I wouldn't be around and Kyle was back on Riley duty meaning I had no reason to even be here
Yet here I am 

As I stood at me locker, I looked across the hall to see Riley and Kyle in their usual spot
Kyle had a smile on his face with the hope it would cause one to fall onto Riley's face but it was clear that wasn't going to happen 
Not yet..
If at all..

"So you're telling me all you did last night was watch TV?" I heard Kyle ask Riley who shot him a look
"Yes Kyle, I stayed in my room watching TV now why are you so concerned about what I was doing" Riley asked closing her locker looking directly at Kyle 

"No reason I-" He started before Riley's eyes caught mine causing Riley to sigh turning back to Kyle
"It's obvious you know Kyle" Riley said looking at him
"What's done is done, can we just leave it at that" She asked before the pair started to walk away so I couldn't hear them anymore

This was how it was going to be now, this is how it's ended?

I've gone from being their for Riley the moment she was born to now being nothing but someone she can't bare to even look at?

After slamming my locker shut, I headed towards first period only to see Kyle at someone's locker and Riley to be nowhere in sight
He looked at me while I narrowed my eyes lightly, he nodded towards the door leading outside 

If I knew Riley how I did, Kyle was overwhelming her so she wanted some sort of space. Giving Kyle ample chance to talk to however this girl was 

I walked out of the double doors to see Riley sat in her usual spot by the trees
She would always tell us she loved specific spot because it was peaceful there, she could sit there and listen to everyone's dramatics but she didn't have to get involved

"Ri" I said making her look up from her book, the moment her eyes latched on to mine she shook her head
"We can't do this James, not here and not yet" she warned me
"Please just let me explain it all" I asked and she sighed looking around
"Like I said.. Not here, not yet" She whispered 

"But somewhere, sometime" She added looking down at her book again giving me a small sliver of hope I guess..

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