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"That is great" Nathan said as we finished a small practice, it was just the two of us. He had asked me to work on a duet with him while his usual partner was still out sick
I mean I didn't mind it, sure it meant I missed A-Troupe practice but today they were merely looking into routines. Nothing too major 

"I think you and Naomi will smash that out of the park" I said walking over to get my water, he chuckled following me as I took a seat on the bench

"Sometimes tells me she might not crack the routine as easily as you have" He warned making me smile in his direction
"Well, I'm sure I can help her work on it if she needs" I said looking up at the clock on the wall to see that James would be heading to meet me at the park in a couple minutes

"As great as today has been, I should head out" I said rising to my feet and much to my surprise so did Nathan as the pair of us walked over to the cubbies 

I grabbed James' hoodie quickly placing it over my body to provide me with some sort of coverage before grabbing my dance back but the moment I reached out for it, Nathan reached two placing his hand on top of mine 
Glancing back over at him, he had this small menacing smile on his face
One that did nothing but scare me a little..


He took a step closer to me which in turn made me take a step but the moment I did, my back crashed into the door making my breath hitch 
With in a second his hand was above my head, I attempted to dip underneath his arm to move away but the moment my body moved his hands found my waist pushing me backwards so I crashed into the cold wall once again

"What are you doing" I asked making Nathan's dark smile grow as he leant down
"Let me go" I said trying to get out of his grip but the more I moved the tighter I got
"Nathan please" I begged allowing tears to slowly form

"Don't cry Riley, it'll only make this worse" He whispered leaning down, I continued to try to push him off of me but it was too late, his lips were pressed against mine

I tried to move my face so that he couldn't kiss me but the more I struggled the tighter his grip came until he had was on my neck holding me still 

"Woah what the!" A voice called making Nathan finally get off of me 

I looked over to see both West and Eldon stood there, I had never been more thankful to see them in my entire life
"Riley? Are you okay?" West asked but I shook my head making both boys looking Nathan up and down before coming over to us 

Eldon pushed Nathan so he was further away from me while West came and stood in front of me putting in some more distance

"What did you do?" West growled
"Nothing she didn't want" Nathan smirked turning to look at me 

"What is going on?" A voice said making me turn to see James and Kyle both stood there 
The moment I saw the two of them my heart dropped, it truly sunk in what just happened..

I cheated on James. 

"We just walked in to some dick having Riley pinned against the wall" Eldon yelled, Kyle looked over at me concerned while James' eyes darkened as he stepped forward
"Excuse me?" James asked now standing in front of Nathan 
"Hey man, it's not my fault your girlfri-" Nathan started but before he could finish the sentence, James had him up against the wall with his while hand covering his throat 

I can't, I can't do this

The more I watched, the more my breathing picked up, the more that it felt like I couldn't get enough air in to be able to function

I looked over at Kyle who could see what was happening, he reached out his hand in the attempt to comfort me but I jumped at the fear of anyone touching me

"Riles" Kyle whispered making everyone turn to look at me 

But that's all it took for me to quickly turn on my heel and run out of the building

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