
It's late at night and of course I can't sleep. I walked out of the room to head out to the garden with my usual blanket
This is all just so crazy, this house has always been the place where I've had a lot of firsts. Including when I first walked, when I first learnt how to ride a bike, first learnt to swim
And now when I had my first date regardless on the fact it failed
This place has always stayed the same 

Kyle and I used to spend our evening playing in the dirt, throwing balls around, annoying James, protecting Piper and it feels like in a blink of an eye that's all changed
Our idea of playing is watching TV or occasionally swimming, annoying James got a lot harder when he tripled in size and Piper is old enough to stand strong on her own. She doesn't need us 
This place holds a lot of first but I think it's going to hold a lot more lasts

"peanut" A groggy voice said making me turn to see James stood by the door, I hummed in response as he walked over
"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded pulling the blanket closer to me
"no you're not" He sighed sitting in front of me
"Is this about Nathan?" He asked and I shrugged
"Talk to me" He whispered and I looked up at him. His usual smirk wasn't there, it was replaced with concern instead

"What do you want to hear James? I felt special for a moment only for it to be pulled from right underneath me" I started
"Do you want to hear how I felt like an actual girl for a second before being knocked off of that peg and thrown to the dirt?" I asked raising my brow

"You were right. Is that you want to hear?" I asked and James looked into my eyes searching for something
"Ri" he whispered but I shook my head about to get up
"Don't" I said attempting to walk away, James grabbed my arm instantly pulling me back
"Fuck it" He said before cupping my cheek smashing our lips together 

I wanted to push him away, part of me did anyway but instead my arms found there way around his neck as he gripped my thighs picking me up laying my back down on the sofa we had once been sat on 

James pulled away for a moment looking at me before biting his lip
"Tell me to stop" He whispered making me look at him while stroking his cheek
"What?" I asked
"If you don't tell me to stop Riley, this could change everything" He said and I bit my lip a little
"Fuck it" I whispered before James lips formed a smirk crashing our lips together again 
This was about to change everything 


The next morning, I wanted to avoid James as much as possible, because I know for a fact if Kyle was to find out, this could have been the end of everything we'd grown up with
"Morning sunshineee" Kyle sung coming into my room knocking me out of my daze
"Hey" I smiled
"Someone's happier today" He chuckled throwing a pillow at me
"I slept well, what can I say" I said before getting up
As I stood up, I looked out into the garden to see James sat there on the phone
"He's talking to his new pick of the week already. Her name is Natalie or something" Kyle said rolling his eyes
"I don't get how he can just throw girls around like he does" Kyle said making my breath hitch

"If you ever decide to go on a date again, make sure they aren't anything like James" Kyle said nudging me, I scoffed a little to keep up the ruse
"Why would I date someone like James?" I said making Kyle laugh
"Exactly" He said throwing me an apple as I glanced back outside to see James sitting in the exact same place we had last night

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