Day 387

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I closed the basement door behind them and stuck the metal rod between the handles. They said there was more down there, so we wouldn't want to risk running into them again.

I was closing the door to that hell whole as this guy tried to make conversation with Belle.

"So, ugh what's your name?" He asked, causing her to look up at him.

She always has a look of disgust on her face. People tend to take it personally.

"Belle Rose."

"That's a pretty name." The blondie overheard.

"Mhm." Belle just looked at me with her eyes wide.

Belle really hates conversations, that's why I usually do the talking. The blondie just looked away and crossed her arms.

"Well im-...what is she doing." The guy was about to introduce himself.

I grabbed a can of black spray paint from my bag and shook it, cutting him off.

She smirked, "She does this everywhere. It also helps when we come back to these places, she's always one step ahead of the enemy." I heard her say from behind me.

I laughed, "It'll help people like you to not go down here."

I finished spray painting and put the can in my bag, "there."

I backed up and stood next to Belle with my hands on my hips as we all read Dead people down here.

"Pretty self explanatory." The boy chuckled.

Belle sighed, "can we go get the rest of our stuff now?"

I looked at her then back at the duo who exchanged glances with themselves, "can I talk to you?"

I pulled her aside, constantly glaring at the two who stood there looking around like lost puppies, "they're gonna die out here." I spoke unfazed.

She looked back at them, "yeah, what a shame."

"Belle" I laughed, "we can't just let them die out here. Plus, that guy is really hot... and I know you'd love to be the night in shining armour of t-"

"Alright, that's enough. What are you proposing?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"They could stay with us. I mean we could use the help. Like the extra hands, muscle, entertainment, safety. We can make hammocks out of the materials we got today."

She flung her head back and growled, "fine."

We walked back over to the two, "do you guys have anywhere you're staying?"

"We did, but a bunch of zombies got in." The girl looked up at the boy.

Belle leaned over and whispered in my ear, "seriously? She says zombies, Wren."

I cleared my throat, "well, the infected don't usually hang around our hideout... you could stay with us if you want, but we have rules."

"Yeah, like you speak when you're spoken too, or I'll cut off your tongue like the last guy." Belle joked in sarcasm, watching the blondes eyes widen.

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