Winter changes lives

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Hello eveyone! I have ambitious plans for this story, so feel warned and be prepred. Maybe a little spoiler, I'm sorry...:(
The end of the one adventure brings the beginning of the next one. So this sentence here becomes true. This story is a winter story, so I will do my best to achieve the goal: ending it before winter ends.
This idea came to my mind yesterday while watching a cartoon with my younger cousin and I can't deny I fall totally in it and today I give you a new story for a new year;)
Wish you better year and nice time in the new experiences and adventures 2022 will bring. But the most important, I said it once again, BETTER YEAR;)

It was winter time, but this year winter started like never before by very long time. The snow had height like a half of middle height man, the temperatures were freezing cold and every water outside was frozen to the core. Everywhere where you turned, you only saw winter signs. The streets and pavements were all frozen, so firefighters whole night and day have been spreading sand and salt on it.
To made things worse, it was a such time in year, in which flu was everywhere, so it wasn't hard to catch it.

The firefighters were discussing the plan for this winter in the kitchen. Fortunatelly all firefighters were ready and able for helping people in need, because noone of them has got down with flu or got injured on the frozen streets. Only Penny was ill before, but she was well now, so nothing too bad happened.

"The streets are spreaded with sand and salt as before and the way out of fire station either" Sam started.

"The vehicles and Saturn have already been ready and checked for winter" Penny announced.

"All equipment checked and safe" Elvis continued.

"All? Unfortunately, here you're wrong Elvis. Our inflatable rescue path is a little, hmm, unable" Ellie commented.

"The air is going out too quickly" Arnold explained.

"Maybe it has got a hole in itself, we need to check it" Station Officer Steele ordered.

"And plan for today. Ellie and Elvis are going to check and prepare Bessie. Arnold are going to work on inflatable rescue path, so it could be used in emergancy. Tom is preparing and checking Mountain Rescue Centre, but he could need some help, so I'm going to do this part, while..." Sam turned to Penny. It was hard to him to say it, but it had to be done. "Penny, could you help Ben in Ocean Rescue Centre?" Sam asked. He couldn't order her do anything and sometimes he asked himself why, but the answer was misunderstable for him. However not for his friends they have been seeing it all the time and, for them, misunderstable was how stupid their team leaders has been by so long time having that answer on the stretch of their hands.

"Roger that, Sam!" Penny replied playfully. She liked to tease him about that fact Sam rarely order her something.

"Alright, so let's go!" Ellie encouraged, standing up. They all went to their tasks in this freezing winter world.

Sam quickly got himself to Mountain Rescue Centre, driving on Mercury. He and Tom checked and prepare every part of helicopter for this weather and made building safe for people as well.
Ellie and Elvis brought Venus and got to Bessie. They warmed up a bit her garage and Ellie checked if everything was good in her winter equipment while Elvis prepared her wheels for snowy and frozen tracks.
Penny went slowly to Ocean Rescue Centre across ice on pavements. Hopefully she did it in one piece. Penny quickly checked and prepared Neptune as Ben checked Juno. Then they together worked on Tytan. Tytan was safe, but it was impossible to rush in case of emergency at sea or Pontypnady Island on him, because his engine was too cold and the temperature of sea was under zero, so Ben and Penny didn't want to risk to damage whole boat.
Arnold had a quiet time at fire station at searching the problem in inflatable rescue path, but it wasn't successed by a long time. Then he managed to find a little sign of claws inside, so it explained why they could inflate it, but the air went out faster than it should anyway. Now Arnold had to fix it, unfortunately he spent the rest of the time looking for a sticker. Until it was too late...

When all team came back and were about to help Arnold find the sticker, the alarm bell went on.

"Someone is trapped on broke surface of ice on Pontypandyness Lake" Station Officer Steele said through the speaker.

"Could it be otherwise in Pontypandy someday?" Sam sighed in disbelief, sliding down to the vehicles.

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