Plan for lovers

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Hello everyone! With this chapter is a funny story, it was a total diffrent, but it went some crazy way and I'm not absolutely sure what happen, however I probably found an interesting solution for the next ones...

When Penny went back to Pontypandy Fire Station after she brought Norman to his mother, she went upstairs to the kitchen.

"Do you want a tea, Penny?" Arnold asked when his colleague's head appeared in the room.

"Yes, if you could" Penny agreed. Arnold went to a cupboard and brought out three cups, while Penny sat opposite Ellie at the table.

"How did it go? And where is Sam and Elvis?" Ellie asked curiously.

"They stay there to make the edge of Pontypandyness Lake a little more careful, so I went with Norman on my own" Penny answered.

"So it was Norman?" Ellie asked and when Penny nodded her head, Arnold came with their teas. "Penny, are you hiding something from me?" Ellie asked a little worriedly, noticing that her best friend didn't answer her first question. "Does something happen?" Ellie repeated when Penny didn't answer once again.

"No, just..." Penny quickly stood up and walked nervously to the door. "Leave me alone for a moment" she begged, when she met Sam and Elvis on the way out of kitchen.

"What's going on here?" Elvis asked surprised. "We even didn't tell a word and everything is falling apart anyway."

"Ellie, do you know what hit Penny so much?" Sam asked worriedly.

"Are you worried?" She asked him teasingly. She couldn't let go off teasing Sam about his close friendship with Penny. Sam only blushed and let go off asking Ellie now as well.

"Arnold, maybe you know?" Elvis saved Sam from trouble with Ellie.

"As I heard Ellie asked Penny how the mission had gone and Penny didn't answer" Arnold replied. "Excuse me, but Station Officer Steele wanted the quickest result of fixing our inflatable rescue path" he apoligised, walking downstairs with hot glue.

It was a silence by a longer while in the kitchen. Penny didn't come back, Ellie and Sam were both lost in their thoughts while Elvis was trying to prepare something for lunch, but without bigger success. The only noise they have been hearing was Arnold's tries downstairs.

When the next few long minutes passed, Ellie stood up and slowly went to back door. She looked slowly throught the railing to noticed Penny, but she didn't walk to her, this time it was someone else's turn. So she came back to Elvis and Sam.

"What keep you so much from telling her how you feel?" she asked straightly her team leader.

"What do you mean?" Sam looked at Ellie and Elvis, who had just come, confused and embarrassed at the same time.

"We are not as blind and deaf as you and Penny, Sam" Ellie teased him, underlining every word.

"Ellie, it is..." Sam started, but couldn't end, due to his friends' annoyed gazes hitting him.

"We both know what you want to say, but the truth is you are a coward towards changes, Sam. Belive me, you can overcome it, especially with Penny by your side" Ellie tried to encouraged Sam, but it was as unsuccessful as Arnold's tries to fix inflatable rescue path.

"Sam, if you were so stubborn, we wouldn't force you, but at least I know it begin to be harder and harder for you" Elvis encouragely squeezed Sam's shoulder.

"Just give it a try, Sam. Talk with Penny, you have an opportunity right now" Ellie pushed Sam by the door and slamed it after him.

Sam, not having other choice, walked slowly outside to the back door. He opened it slowly only to get a snowball right in his face. He gasped in surprise, but quickly cleaned his face when he heard a laughter he loved to listen to. Penny's laughter and Radar's cheerful barking made him laughed briefly as well.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I tried to catch Radar with a snowball when he was standing in front of the door, but you opened it" Penny apoligised between laughing.

"I think I needed a cold snowball to cool my head a little" Sam joked. "When I and Elvis came back, you ran from the kitchen whole in nerves. Does something happen? Do you mean the fact I didn't let you stay with us in mountains?" Sam asked worriedly and guitly at the same time, a thought that it was he who put Penny in such mood made him angry only at his stubborn mind. Penny's face became serious again as Radar came to her to let her hold his paw.

"At the mission I recognized how quick someone's life can end. It is a matter of seconds, but nobody can know how much time he gets and how quick he can end his life." She hesitated for a moment, but added: "Please, Sam, next time let other's also in action. You're not alone, we are supposted to work as a team" she reminded her best friend and playfully elbowed him.

"I promise, but our job hold such risk" Sam commented. "However for some reason, we chose it from one million others" he said and Penny nodded her head in agreement. "I guess my character doesn't let me let others in danger" this loud thought cost him another snowball this time in shoulder. They played short snowbatle, but they quickly became serious when to their minds came they could make each other always laugh, bot matter what. So maybe it could mean something more? This question hit them hard in heart.

"I need to..." they started in one time, but Radar's alarmed barking interrupted them. Immediately they ran back to fire station to hear how Station Officer Steele spoke by speaker:
"There is a fire in Flood's house."

"Duty is duty" they smiled, shrugging their shoulders when Ellie and Elvis looked at them sceptically. Sam, Penny and Arnold took Jupiter and drove to emergancy.

"I give you a word I'm going crazy with them" Ellie commented to Elvis when they came back upstairs.

"You know them, Ellie, job always first" Elvis tried to pretend Sam's voice when he was saying it. "Besides, it wasn't their fault this time. It was rather always bad time of emergency" Elvis defended his friends.

"They're definately too slow. Couldn't they be a little faster?" Ellie complained. "But moment, what would you say if we help them a little?" Ellie invented.

"I'm all ears" Elvis replied when Ellie began to explain to him her idea.

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