Fifth day in hospital

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The day started again the same way. Diana came with a smile and walked with Penny to her check-ups, but then she told her to visit Doctor Jenkins, so Penny did. When she knocked to the door, she heard known welcome sound.

"Good morning, Ms.Morris. I see nurse Hyde wasn't wrong, you are better" Doctor Jenkins looked at Penny with a smile over his papers. "How are you?" He asked, taking his attention back to his pacient after showing Penny a seat.

"I feel undeniably better, doctor" Penny answered.

"Nice to hear that" Doctor Jenkins admited. "Few questions and we end your check-ups for today" he announced and Penny nodded her head in agreement. "Have you had any more headaches?"

"No, I haven't since that two at the beginning of the week" Penny replied.

"And what about your shoulder and arm?" Doctor Jenkins continued.

"Nothing either, maybe a little pain when I moved my shoulder a little less careful yesterday" Penny explained.

"Alright" Doctor Jenkins showed Penny the door in gentle gesture. "Although I don't think you're worse or bad, but we are going to see each other still by next few days" he ended, closing the door after Penny.

She slowly walked in the corridon on which her room was located and, to her own surprise she came across her aunt. They hugged carefully at welcome and then they continued walking to Penny room in silence, despite normal noise everywhere around them.

"Littel fish, how are you?" Penny's aunt asked, sitting on the chair when they together finally reached the room.

"I'm good, aunt" Penny answered, trying to hide the bandage on her right shoulder behind the cover.

"What about your shoulder?" she asked straightly, trying to make eye contact with her niece.

"From where you know?" Penny looked at her aunt taken totally by surprise. She felt how her throat squeezed from fear.

"From where I know what, little fish?" Teresa looked sternly ino her niece's eyes while a slight sign of anxiousness could be seen on her face.

"About my hurt shoulder" Penny confessed ashamedly, lowering her head to avoid her aunt's gaze a bit. 

"Your shoulder is hurt?" Teresa asked worriedly, taking Penny's left hand in hers.

"Sam" Penny muttered grumpily under her nose. "Yes, it is a little dislocated" Penny admited shyly, feeling how she blushed from shame.

"Since when you have known about that?" and again the same sternly voice as before found way to Penny's ears.

"From three days" Penny whispered too ashamed to say it out loud.

"Why didn't you tell me anything when I talked with you before?" Teresa asked this time a little more caringly than sternly.

"I didn't want to worry you" Penny's voice was so full of shame and shyness that her aunt almost didn't hear it.

"You don't worry..." Teresa was just saying when her phone rang. She excused and answered the call. "I'm sorry Penny, but I have to go quickly back to work" Penny's aunt squeezed Penny's left hand softly at the goodbye.

Despite the silence in the room, Penny couldn't find mental rest. Her thoughts just couldn't forget how Sam promised her he wouldn't tell her aunt anything and now, despite Penny's all tries, she knew about it. However Penny couldn't deny she belived Sam unconditionally, but maybe this time she was wrong again. Because, from somewhere her aunt had to know about Penny shoulder, the bandage couldn't have told her too much in place like hospital. Penny's fingers began to tickle to call Sam and ask if maybe he knew something about it, but a familiar shy knock on the door was quicker.

"Come in" she welcomed, however her voice was more insecured than she thought. To make her fear even bigger the person who knocked was Sam. She felt two diffrent feelings at the same time: happiness to see him again and slowly raising anger deep inside her at him about this case with her aunt.

"How are you?" He asked taking a step into the room.

"I'm fine" Penny looked directly in diffrent direction to hide anxiousness on her face.

"Does something happen?" Sam didn't want to give up, he felt something was bothering Penny as soon as he looked at her asking his first question. When Penny didn't answer nor looked at him, he repeated the question.

"Yes, something has happened Sam and you should know perfectly what" she announced offendly.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked with wide ppen eyes from not knowing what was going on with Penny.

"Don't play too innocent now. You broke the promise and told my aunt about my dislocated shoulder, didn't you?" Penny turned to him, trying to hold back tears.

"I did not say anything, I swear" Sam defended himself, however the angry thought how Penny  thought he could broke given her promise, broke his heart slightly. They always trusted each other unconditionally either at work or in their free time, but sometimes even trust needed time.

"Leave me, Sam" Penny shouted in anger. She hadn't ever thought Sam could break a promise, but probably she was wrong.

"But, Penny..." Sam tried to say something more, but one glimpse Penny sent him was enough to tell him she was hurted too deep to let the words came to her mind. So, without any other option, he slowly left the room. It wasn't easy for him and for Penny surely either, because, sitting with his head leaning on the wall, he could hear a quiet sob.

Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so long, but I again change something in story and I totally couldn't find right words to fit this chapter. And it wasn't much easier when I wrote this chapter from end to beginning. Anyway it is here now
You can hate me about the ending, but I promise I won't leave it that way. I'll try to work on next chapter quicker;)
For now I wish you nice time while this weekend:)

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