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Hello everyone! Sorry, it hadn't come out earlier, but I coupdn't decide on which card laid everything on this time and I hadn't had much time to work on this chapter, so it ended writing by whole night. I hope you like this one anyway;)

The atmosphere in hospital waiting room was extremely tense for Sam by this hour. Station Officer Steele ordered Sam to wait there at least until Helen would come. Ellie spent half an hour waiting with Sam, but someone was needed in Pontypandy Fire Station, so she couldn't stay longer, however she promised she would come again.
But for Sam this hour was a torture. All this time the memory came back to him. He was standing on the inflatable rescue path, he almost reached his niece, when he heard a noise, which he now knew was coming from a tree over his head and the ice cups which were too heavy for a branch. Then Penny warned him, but before he could recognized himself again in emergency, Penny jumped and pushed him and Sarah back. She saved them, she saved their lives, risking her own. When Sam returned to his senses again after what happened, he was frightened. Luckily with help of Ellie, he manged to get Penny from under the ice cups and snow which fall from that tree. The last thing from that moment Sam remembered clearly was how Penny told him that she loved him. The words he has wished all time since he met her he would told her. But she was quicker, and now Sam's heart hurt even worse.
She risked her life to save his niece and him selflessly. Whole hour Sam's thoughts went only around one thing. Sam would have nothing against him being in such danger, except of Penny. She was a love of his life and he would jump in fire, because of her, but he couldn't have seen this danger. He blamed himself still about everything what has happened.

"Uncle Sam!" He woke up from his thoughts when he heard Sarah's a little guilty, but still also happy, voice when she sat next to him.

"With her everything alright, her body temperature is a little lower than it should, but there is nothing to worry about" Helen explained. Sarah came with them to Newtown Hospital to check up. It relived Sam at least everything was good with her.

"Do you know something about Penny?" Sam asked Helen and a big worriness came back to his throat.

"Fortunately for you I know" Helen tried to tease Sam a little to loss a little the tense atmosphere. Helen knew about Penny's feeling towards Sam and she wasn't such stupid to belive Sam didn't love Penny back. "She has got a broken arm and few bruises as a reminder of both falls. However the most important thing is she has been came round again, so it reduced the risk of going into a coma. Now she is sleeping, she needs quite a bit of rest to get well quickly. But after all she is on good way" Helen answered and Sam took a deeply relief breath. "I'm sorry, Sam, but I can't stay any longer, I am needed in Pontypandy. Sarah, come with me."

"Can't I stay with uncle Sam?" Sarah asked her uncle.

"The hospital isn't a good place, Sarah" Sam argued politely.

"I want to say huge thank you to Penny, without her I wouldn't have been here now" Sarah begged.

"Alright, so bye and tell Penny everything best from me either" Helen waved at the goodbye and walked away by white corridon.

"Uncle Sam?" the girl asked shyly, Sam nodded his head to give her a sign to continue. "Is Penny here because of me?"

"Sarah, don't even dare to think something like tha..." Sam started, but appearance of the middle aged madame with worried face, the black haired women interupted him by clining his throut and sitting right opposite white door, next to Sarah and Sam.

"No, my niece is not, because of you, young lady, here today, I'm sure of it. She always says some lives are more important than others, however all of them are as important" she sighed. "Are you this famous fireman Sam from Pontypandy?" she asked straightly. As an answer, Sam just nodded his head in agreement, speechless. How strange is this world? he thought. "I recognized you from tv and some photos my niece has showed me" she explained. "I'm Teresa Brown, Penny Morris's aunt" she introduced herself. Sam's jaw fall down open, maybe not polite, but the shock had done itself. "Penny visited me not so long ago, probably few days ago I guess, and she said it is better that I know her little secret as well if someone happen her."

"The day we talked about risk in our job" Sam mumbled. "Sorry, Mrs. Brown, I probably could know about what secret you've just told about. Is that Penny loves me?" Sam asked anxiously, afraid if he is wrong he would do a clown of himself.

"From where do you know" Mrs. Teresa asked surprised.

"It was Penny only and last words when she lost consciousness after the accident" Sam explained. "I hope she will be alright, because... because she meant a lot for me not only as my best friend, but also as a love of my life" Sam confessed shyly.

"I suspected it" she touched one of the sides of her nose in a meaningful sign. "Excuse me for a moment" she apologised and walked to the nurse, who has just came out of a room Penny has been laying.

"So Penny's aunt is someone like living confession letter, isn't she?" Sarah chuckled quietly and briefly.

"So you only pretended you fall asleep, all this time you've been listening" Sam thought out loud dryly, ignoring his niece question.

"Not everyday you hear a conversation like this, uncle Sam" she tried to argued, but a yawn stopped her.

"Maybe you should have come back to Pontypandy with Helen?" Sam embraced Sarah while she laid her head on his lap.

"I really want to thank, Penny, she saved my young life" Sarah commented stubbornly.

"Since when you've become such a wise girl, Sarah" Sam joked. "Except the accidents you're still part of" he added strenly, when he heard Sarah's calm, quiet, but still heard in the hospital silence, breath.

After a longer moment siting without alive soul around, Penny's aunt came back. She sat heavily where she had sat before and sighed.

"Is everything alright, Mrs. Brown?" Sam asked worriedly. "Something's wrong with Penny?" he added even more worriedly when blush appeared on his cheeks.

"You really love her, don't you?" Her mood changed a little, but after she asked Sam in the same teasing way as Penny sometimes, Mrs. Brown became serious again. "Nothing too huge to worry about, she just got a little fever, but the nurse said it isn't anything at risk of her life. But she couldn't get out of here as the doctor first said. The most quickly by over a week" she sighed once more. "And then a few weeks coming back for at least two check-ups. Have you already known she has got a broken arm?"

"Yes, I have. Our friend is a nurse in Pontypandy, she took care of Penny before we got here and she told me everything I need to know to write a raport later when I come back to fire station" Sam replied.

"There is still one thing that worry me. As I know Penny's stubborn personality, she will want to come back to Pontypandy as soon as she can. But the doctor also told me she would need an eye on herself from time to time for some time, at least until the first check-up. She is going to need rest and someone who is going to keep an eye on her, just to make sure she doesn't overdo herself. But I just can't come to Pontypandy with her, no matter how hard I want" she wanted to continue, but Sam caringly hold her hand.

"I'll do it for you and for her" Sam promised.

"I see my Penny found a very special man, thank you. I'm going to visit her when she wakes up, so please make me and my niece this pleasure and come with me to her. And with this little lady, of course, too" she invited at the end of the talk. Then it came a long time of silence.

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