Tragic Tricky Ice

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Hello everyone! Here a little warning for me. If you don't like taking risk blindly, better wait for the next chapter, however beginning is good. I don't know how to write warnibg, so sorry, but feel warned. And don't be mad at me when you end reading, please. I know it is an idea turning everything upside down, but, alright, it is a time for me too to work on something like this. It was a challenge for me, but I hope I will be able to quickly write next chapter tommorrow not to keep you in aanxiousnesstoo long. Have a nice evening anyway;)

It was a snowy morning, not because snow was laying everywhere you looked, it was also slowly falling. When Penny reached the fire station, she heard the nice for her ears sound of laughter. She was overwhelemed by it so deep, that she didn't notice a snowball which hit her in chest.

"Hi Penny! Would you want to fight with us?" Sam asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Yes, but did Station Officer Steele agreed?" Penny asked unsurely.

"Firefighter Morris, I also like to play from time to time" Station Officer Steele replied, building another snowballs.

"Besides it was Ellie idea to take a little mental break. We've already had three emergencies calls. And all of them linked with ice" Sam sighed.

"So let's relax" Penny throw one snowball in Ellie and the snowball battle began. Penny and Sam in one team while Ellie and Station Officer Steele in other. They laughed all the time when one snowball after other were cutting the air. It was really a relax for them, especially for Sam and Penny. The fact that they were at one team meant a lot for them alone. But laughing next to each other and just having fun, it warmed their hearts.
Penny felt like another snowball hit her in face, but from the right side. It was a surprise for her, because if it had been from Ellie or Station Officer Steele, it would have been from other side. She looked at her team partner and saw Sam's innocent face. She knew it perfectly from time they joked together and he tried to pretend it wasn't him when he was.

"You get your revenge, don't you?" Penny asked him mischievously.

"Yes, I've just got one opportunity" Sam joked innocently. Then the snow battle was continued. Again few snowballs in each one of them.

Unfortunately, what good has never been too long in Pontypandy. When Map Screen 700's alarm bell turned on, all firefighters quited the game and ran to the vehicle hall and quickly to the office.
"Sarah is stuck on the standing ice floe near the waterfall" it said.
Sam was speechless, what his niece has been doing on frozen river? He cleared up his thought a little when he heard the fire bell rang, but still the rest could easily notice he was worried. Penny squeezed encouragely his hand and showed him way. They jumped into Jupiter with Ellie.

"How are we going to do it as we don't have inflatable rescue path?" Sam asked nervously.

"Actually, we have it. It is in Jupiter" Ellie assured Sam. "Arnold and I fixed it when you went to the caves" she explained when they slowly reached the train station. They quickly got Bessie out and rushed down the railway.

When they got there, they immediately unfolded fixed inflatable rescue path. Unfortunately, Sam and Ellie noticed the threat of a waterfall and a slowly moving ice floe on which Sarah was standing scared, too late. Sam was slowly walking to Sarah when Ellie was securing inflatable rescue path from the same edge of river as Penny was securing it from opposite side. When Sam nearly managed to catch Sarah's hand, they all heard how the tree over his head shook in terrible sound.
Fortunately, Penny noticed the danger of falling ice cups from the branches soon enough. She jumped the distance between her side of the river's edge and Sarah and Sam. She pushed Sarah and Sam together on the inflatable rescue path, but she was too late with herself and the biggest and the most dangerous ice cups fall right one her back and helmet.
Sam felt like Ellie shook his shoulder in nervousness and showed him the ice cups laying on inflatable rescue path. When everything what happened moment earlier, came to Sam's mind, he felt like his heart stopped its beating. He quickly helped Ellie with taking out of it Penny. She shivered when he took her in his arms and weak smile appeared briefly on her face.

"I love you, Sam" it was Penny's last words. Then her eyes closed heavily.

"Don't leave me, Penny! Not now!" Sam sobbed, when he hold Penny's unconcious hand. He heard like by thick pressure in his ears, Ellie was saying something, but he didn't bother himself with it now. The only thing which matters for him was Penny, who saved him and his niece, probably touching by death in that moment.

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