Surprising visit

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Hello everyone! Again after deadline, but this time it will get better. I have mixed feelings about continueing this story after last chapter, but by some promises I still will try to give the best to end it and now I can't turn back. And here big Thank you for you all for supporting me all this time. You're the best;)

Three weeks passed and everything turned again bright for Penny, except few things.
First, Penny was a little upset when she was seeing how her colleagues worked. It was not like they made a former fun without her, rather they behaved calm it was also unnatural for them not to have Penny in their play, but she felt upset because she couldn't be there with them. She was just missing her job.
Second, was that everything more often began to annoy her with every day anew without old normal routine. However she knew she had to take her shoulder easy to be able to get out of this circle someday. And that was what she was always doing while she was at her house or in her small garden, busy with one of her books.
But the worst worries-making was that last weekend her mother visited her by two days and since then Penny hasn't been having any sign from her. A phone call, a message, literraly nothing. Yesterday, Sam again tried to convise her it was surely nothing to be worried about, but even he couldn't take too good control of his voice back then. Penny noticed her mother liked him and she really looked too far in the future in Penny's opinion.

Nevertheless she couldn't deny she felt better in this state of things. Having Sam always by her side now not only as a best friend was still a dream coming true for her. It was just still too unbelivable. But she slowly began to be used to it. It was just fantastic to be able to finally let off all her fears about their friendship if he would have found out she loves him. Anyway he also loves her and it has only been making their friendship stronger.

"Sleepyhead, are you enjoying your time?" The voice she could recognize with ease pushed her back to reality.

"Radar, come here, please. Sam, where are you? I thought you were supposted to be helping me" Penny wanted to answered to former question, but, through wind, she first heard how Ellie annoyedly shouted. Penny couldn't help, but laughed when Sam with a sigh of resignation kissed her left cheek as he said brief goodbye and ran qfter a dalmatian which showed his head briefly and barked happy to see Penny.

"Good luck, Sam" Penny waved after them, trying to calm down, but the view of Sam and Ellie trying to catch Radar, who definately didn't have the same opinion of this topic, was just too funny to watch to not to laugh of it.

She watched it a few minutes more, but after some time it only began to upseten her, reminding the times when she also was running with her colleagues after the dalmatian. So not to hurt her heart even more, she walked slowly to the edge of the part with aim to get back to her house.
But she hesitated when she almost reached the road, because she noticed a pair of people looking around confusedly. So Penny as always helpful Penny, went to them, but who she recognized amazed her.

"Penny, thanks fate you found us. We thought Pontypandy is such a small town, but when you stay with a map on the street, it is diffrent" Diana welcomed quickly, coming to her friend.

"It can be like this sometimes" Penny chuckled. "But what are you doing here?"

"Firstly, I have to introduce you someone. Penny, this is Tony" the young nurse showed a man with blonde hair and dark eyes. He nodded his head politely as same as Penny did.

"Nice to meet you, Tony. I'm Penny."

"How are you by the way?" Diana concluded.

"Bored a lot, but, if not counting this, I'm good. I see you are perfect, aren't you?" Penny asked sceptically.

"Indeed. Answering your former question, we come here, because we have an important reason to. Because you see it" she explained enthusastically, when Tony calmy laid his hand on his shoulder. He seemed more calmer than she and they came together anyway' Penny was able to think of it a little, because of what Diana was up to show her. It was an engandement ring on her hand.

"My congratulations" Penny smiled honestly.

"And we both wanted to asked you if you would honour us by accepting an invitation?" Tony asked anxiously, but he was easier to understand than Diana.

"Of course. Thank you" Penny accepted a little, light blue envelope. "But why with a honour?" She added sceptically.

"Because we wouldn't have made this far, actually we would have made nothing, without your selfless help. So we are thankful" they said almost at the same time, but Diana made it faster.

"And come with someone, not alone, understand?" Diana whispered to Penny's ear, and they both chuckled from her order, before they went their ways.

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