First day in hospital

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry it took a little longer, but I needed this chapter not updated to make the next one better. But now it is ready, so I can upload it.
Little warning for the end of this chapter: if you don't like a little more mature topics better leave the end. But for rest have a nice time while reading;)

When yesterday Penny's aunt and Sam left the room, it has been such quiet in it until midday. Until this part of day, it was mostly a time Penny spent at thinking. Her aunt found time at morning to visited her quickly and Sam called to ask Penny how were she, excusing himself of not visiting her that he was needed in fire station as Ellie and Arnold had whole day before shift and now it was his and Elvis' turn. Penny belived him immediately and ordered him to tell Elvis she was glad to hear he was good again.
Until midnight, nobody visted her longer than by a few minutes. At least it was something, but still she felt a little alone, so she searched for company in her thoughts. Mostly she was thinking about how much her aunt and Sam meant to her.
Penny's aunt was more like a mother for her, she growed up under her eye, so Penny had to do everything she could not to adding her worries, but Penny also knew all this time she has been failing. She didn't have a courage to confess her feelings towards love of her life until she saved him and his niece and feeling then she got a hard hit of the ice she decided to do it. And that way, she was here with broken arm, but at least Sam and Sarah were safe and Sam knew about her love. Maybe now her aunt could find a little rest in thinking about Penny's future as she has been thinking since Penny first came to her.
On the other hand, Sam was a person she has loved by her whole heart. He has been a true love of her life since their first talk. She felt it then. And since it, she promised herself she would do everything to defend him. And she had a clean conscience, because she didn't hesitate at the moment of try. Sam meant too much for her to just let him risked his life alone everytime. She got nightmares from the numerous emergencies the danger was near him. But he chose this job not without meaning. However he should let others a little more to front line as well, that was how a team worked. But now when, somehow she has got a feeling their yesterday talk was turning in good direction, but once again somebody had a bad timing, she didn't blame Sarah, but Penny wouldn't have complained if she had stayed asleep few minutes more, maybe she would be able to have more power to overcome Sam's stubborness and let him make a decision to let him rest a little from total leadership.

Penny came back to reality when she heard someone knocked to the door. The nurse came in and, for a diffrence to the one who took Penny yesterday for examination, she smiled friendly to Penny. She has got black long hair braided into a braid and brown eyes.

"Hey" she waved as friendly. "I'm Diana and I'll be taking care of you as long as you are here and then at your check-ups when you come back" she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you. If you could, please call me by name. I'm Penny" Penny did the same.

"So" she started again after she wrote something in her notebook from the screens. "How are you feeling today, Penny?"

"I'm feeling a bit off-colour" Penny replied honestly.

"It is normal here" Diana joked. "What about your arm?"

"I think rather good. I hasn't felt it hurt me anytime, but it is good?" Penny asked insecurely.

"Don't bother yourself with it, Penny. You'll see you won't even turn around to notice time passes and you'll be as right as rain" Diana tried to cheer Penny up.

"To be honest, I really much hope so. I love my job and I want to go back to it as soon as it will be possible" Penny said with voice full of hope while Diana comnented it with a quite chuckle, which she tried to hide under the cover of her hand.

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