Ladder to the rescue

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Hello everyone! Here is second chapter of this story, but ironically firstly I ended writing it at little more than 400, but after deep breath it turned to how it is now and I'm more satisfied with this a bit loger version. Have a nice day as it is beginning of the year;)

Sam, Penny and Elvis took Jupiter and drove to Bessie's garage, then with Bessie they got to their destination. They managed to do the checks in perfect time, except the one. Elvis worried all the way how they would help without the inflatable rescue path, but Sam reminded him how it went the old times. That was the reson why they took a ladder with them from Jupiter.

When they reached Pontypandyness Lake, they couldn't help, but sighed in resignation when they found out who was this misterious person in danger.

"Our naughty star" Sam commented, shaking his head in disbelief. "Keep calm, Norman! Everything's fine" Sam calmed the boy down. With help of Penny and Elvis, Sam opened the ladder on the ice and slowly and calmy went to Norman. When he reached the boy, the ice was at the edge of breaking either below Norman or below the ladder and Sam. Norman grabbed Sam's pulled out hand without hesitation and it wasn't long when Sam helped Norman went slowly by the ladder to the edge of lake. When the boy stood on the steady land, Penny laid the blanket on his back when Elvis took care of Norman by giving him a bit of his warm soup.

Suddenly they heard the noise of ice broking. Penny and Elvis turned in fear to Sam who was still walking to them by the ladder. He have been doing in calmy, not to take too much risk, but he was too heavy for the ice. When he managed to go the few more meters and it was only a hand to be on the safe side, the frozen tree almost fall on his head.

"Sam! Watch out!" Penny and Elvis warned his friend in union when they recognized the danger. Hopefully he turned around and he fall on the land at the last moments. Penny was immediately next to him, helping his stand up.

"Are you alright, Sam?" She asked him worriedly when they went back to Elvis and Norman.

"Everything is alright, nothing happen" Sam answered when they all suddenly turned back to the ice on Pontypandyness Lake. The ladder has just falled into the water.

"Nothing happened?" Penny asked him sceptically.

"We need new ladder as long as we will be fixing our inflatable rescue path" Elvis summed up.

"But firstly..." Sam turned to Norman, who looked guilty on the ground under his boots. "Norman how many times you have to assure yourself that frozen water pools aren't safe. They are dangerous, you saw, even when someone knows what to do" Sam said sternly.

"I'm sorry, fireman Sam" Norman apoligised. Sam, Penny and Elvis exchanged sceptical looks, it has always been this way with him, as they knew their lives, not too much time had to pass until they would go through it again. "It was an accident. I think I'll better keep myself away from mountains this winter" he invented.

"You know it is good idea" Sam assured the boy, when they all went back to Bessie. "Penny, could you take Norman back to Pontypandy while I and Elvis will make this place a little more safe?" Sam asked her.

"Why I?" She turned to him offened.

"Because you were ill not so long time ago and it probably isn't such great idea to be on this freezing so long for you still" Sam whispered to her while Elvis helped Norman sat in Bessie.

"Not take it so easy. It was only a cold. Besides you need rest after this rescue, Sam" Penny looked at him in such way he got to know very well. She didn't want to give up, but Sam didn't want it too. "And how are you two going to go back to Pontypandy as I take Bessie and Jupiter?" She asked teasingly, tring to win what was hers.

"As it is almost my and Elvis' break in shift we can use it for a walk back to Pontypandy and, look" he showed her tracks on which Pontypandy Flyer was standing. "We are going to get back with Gareth" Sam invented, waving to Gareth when he walked with Moose next to them. "So please, hide your stubborness and let me and Elvis do it" Sam begged.

"Alright, I do it as a favor for a best friend" she finally agreed, taking a seat next to Norman in Bessie.

"Have you told her?" Elvis asked Sam, when Bessie disappeared over the horrizon.

"Don't joke, Elvis. It can change too much, almost everything" Sam complained. "Moreover, it is good as it is."

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