Fourth day in hospital

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And as a add the next chapter in gift as well:) Maybe in this way it both is better

I have so much fun thinking about this chapter, however writing gave me some troubles, but you will see later what I will do with them. As my friend used to say 'Title and every word alone matter"🙊
Have a nice week and fun while reading;)

Next morning when Penny woke up, someone was marching from door to the wall and back. She looked confused at misterious person and recognized nurse's uniform with little black hole. When Diana turned around, they greeted each other and the day started again.

The check-ups went good and quickly. Penny was told everything was going now in good direction as long as she would take it easy. Doctor Jenkins allowed to take off the bandage of her forehead and some plasters, leaving only the one on the worst cut on Penny's right cheek. But one information changed Penny's mood for much better, if she wanted to, she could slowly walk to her room from Doctor Jenkins' with eventual help of Nurse Hyde. And Penny, without such big thinking, agreed and she was extremely graceful she finally could stand on her own legs.

"Now it is time for me, but you won't be alone" Diana chuckled, turning to the door of Penny's room when her pacient was already on rest time. "Someone wants to see you" she waved at the goodbye. And it was true, immediately after Diana left the room, Sam showed in the doorframe with nervous knock on a frame.

"Can I?" he asked as nervously as he knocked, keeping his shy look on the floor.

"Don't be silly, Sam. Of course, you can" Penny teased him a little and they both smiled honestly. When Sam took a seat, Penny strenghtened herself a little to sit on bed as well. Then Sam's eyes met Penny's, he got an impression it wasn't for her as easy as she tried to show.

"How are you, Penny?" Sam asked caringly and Penny's heart beat a little faster when she recognised a sparkle of worriness in his eyes.

"Better than last few days, however" she slowly brushed her right shoulder thoughtfully, but apparently she moved her shoulder a little too hard either and, as a result, winced briefly in pain.

"Is anything wrong with your shoulder?" Sam asked alarmed. Not only Penny knew what results it could have on her job.

"It is a little dislocated. It only hurts a little when I move it, hopefully doctor Laury said there is nothing to be worried about for now" Penny replied, although she couldn't let go off the impression Sam didn't especially belive her. "I'm telling the truth, I swear" she assured under Sam's a little sceptical gaze.

"I belive you, Penny" Sam encouragely laid his hand on Penny's left shoulder. "However... why are you telling the truth to me, but in front of your aunt's eyes you lied?"

"I trust you both, but it is already hard for her and I don't want to add her myself too" Penny sighed in guilt. "Besides, I can't lie to you on our own, Sam" she confessed quietly, mumbling under her nose, unfortunately for them both Sam didn't have an opportunity to hear it.

"But I still don't understand why are you hiding how are you feeling before your aunt as she is the last close relative you have?" Sam asked confused.

"You see, not the last one, but the last one I keep contact with" Penny answered misteriously.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked even more confused, now huhenderstood nothing at all.

"It is a story that has been my most hidden secret since I faced it myself. Because..." Penny explained, lowering her head a little. "My father is living far from there, he left when I was a little girl, I almost haven't known him. And then my mother died in this terrible fire, which started in her room in my first and last whole family house. I had survived, but I had fought for life for few weeks in second Newtown Hospital. Then when I had won the fight, they tried to find my father, but unsuccessfully, and they found out that my aunt is the only relative for me in that time. So my aunt took care of me. I'm extremely grateful for her, because she was like a mother for me, still is" a small tear ran down Penny's left cheek. She had just wanted to wipe it, but Sam stopped her by taking her wrist tight in his hand and with other he wiped the tear.

"I didn't even suspect something like that had happened to you in such early age, I'm sorry" Sam apoligised, feeling guilty to make Penny face this memory once again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Sorry, but not now, Sam" Penny turned her head saddly.

"I understand. But remember you don't have to handle everything on your own. I will always be there for you, Penny" Sam assured friendly. It immediately cheered Penny up and a bright smile appeared on her face. Did Sam know she knew it perfectly and she assured herself in this knowledge everyday anew?

"Thank you, Sam. You're a real friend" she admited and they both sighed in resignation. None of them have started the topic about their confession deeper since their last alone talk. Did they know how much it could change?

"You know I'm just doing my job as a best friend" Sam joked, shrugging his shoulders and they both bursted into laughter for a longer while.

"You asked why I have hidden the truth in front of my aunt" Penny continued when she calmed down a little. "Because I'm absolutely sure she would have worried all time and at the end run out mentally herself. She is even more stubborn than I am" Penny confessed.

"You know you have just agreed you are stubborn" Sam couldn't miss a chance to tease Penny about the case they used to argue.

"Don't get too far, because you can get lost" Penny defended herself, making a little fun of Sam at the same time.

"You can be sure that I won't" Sam replied grumpily. His voice was so pretending that Penny couldn't hold her laughter more and she shared it with Sam. "Anyway, it is nice to hear your laughter again" Sam commented, when he felt his cheek started burning him.

"You notice you always can make me laugh, don't you?" Penny noticed embarrassed. It was always that way, if Sam needed her, she was there for him and vice versa.

"I... That's probably why I fall in..." Sam tried to say his thoughts out loud, but the knock to the door interupted him. He sighed in despair when Diana entered the room. She sent Penny a questioning look, but she only smiled in answer.

"Diana, meet Sam" Penny introduced. "I meant him when we talked two days ago" Penny explained and a slight smile appeared on Diana's face. "I promise you to tell about other strange love, but in a lighter light than you and Tony. Sam, don't you have something against it?"

"Against what?" Sam sent Penny confused look.

"About our love" Penny replied shyly. Sam smiled and nodded his head in agreement and Penny started the story. "It started when we first met, but we were too scared to talk with each other openly about our feeling, until my accident" Penny concluded.

"If I understand good what Penny is up to, I can add from myself that fear can stop you for reaching to your dreams. The power is to overcome it, but it is harder, not to say almost impossible, without right people by your side" Sam ended when his and Penny's gaze met and they both looked embarrassed immediately.

"I can clearly see it" Diana joked, keeping from laughing. "I understand and thank you both so much, but now I have to excuse you, I have to do something" she apoligised and waved for a goodbye in grateful way.

"Have I dreamed it?" Sam asked afraid his imagination only played jokes on him and what Penny had just said wasn't real.

"No, you haven't" Penny pinched him to confirm her words. "I love you, Sam, more than my own life."

"Don't say something like that in place like here" Sam warned, but he couldn't hide his bright smile.

"Do you believe in exaggeration?" Penny raised her eyebrow sceptically.

"No, just I don't want to lose you" he admited, taking her healthy hand in his.

"I don't want to lose you either" Penny found a courage to rest her head on Sam's shoulder when he got his chair a little closer to her bed.

"I love you" they confessed once again at the same time and smiled, but after all they spent then a longer while in silence. They didn't notice how quick time passed until it was too late.

"But, please, Sam, don't tell my aunt what I told you here" Penny begged at the end, when Sam had to leave and come back to Pontypandy.

"I promise I won't" Sam nodded his head and waved for a goodbye, leaving the room.

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