Anxioussness goes away

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry it took so long, but something fall on my head and I couldn't find enough peace to end this chapter till today. Now it is a bit complicated in this part, but I hope you'll like it anyway;) Have a nice week;)

It didn't take Sarah too much time to fall asleep on Sam's lap again as they were sitting on chairs, when they quietly came inside the room as a nurse invited them.

The room Penny has been laying in wasn't much more diffrent than the ones all around in hospitals. The room was small, only a bed, medical equipment and one chair on the door's side of bed, small cupboard on the other side, and at the end of room a small table and two chairs. The white walls with cold frames of one big windows and white door made the room seemed heavy when you were sitting here and it helped you easily fall asleep.
Sam caught himself falling asleep few times over the time they were here, but everytime he forced himself to wake up. He was a little sleepy, but he fought against it successfully. He wanted to be awake when Penny woke up. But it was still a mistery how long he and Penny's aunt would be waiting. Sam hoped not too long, because watching Penny in that state hurt his heart enough.
Penny lay under the covers on the bed. Her head lay limp on the pillow while her as blond as sand on the beach hair fell over her left shoulder. She had a bandage on her forehead and her face was slightly scratched, and there was a patch on her right cheek covering a fragment of the worst cut. But the most terrible thing, which has happned to her as the doctor told her aunt, was a broken arm. Her right arm was broken, but luckily Penny took the cast very well. Now her broken arm, already in the cast, was in the sling Penny was wearing. She seemed so peaceful, but it was a cover, so she didn't have to be so peaceful on the inside.
Sam didn't even want to think how hard it must be for Mrs.Brown. As she told Sam, Penny was her only living close relative, so if something went wrong, she would be left without anyone.

A hoarse shout full of pure joy, brought Sam out of his thoughts. Immediately his head turned to the side of the bed and he had to smile when he saw how Penny blinked her eyes as she tried to get used to the bright light in the room. Penny's aunt all this time has been sitting on the chair next to bed and holding Penny's healthy hand.

"You wake up, you wake up! I'm so relieved" Mrs.Brown shouted and as huge as mountain relief could be heard in her voice.

"Aunt? What are you doing here?" Penny asked shocked. She seemed like she didn't know what was happening.

"You're in hospital, little fish" Sam was ashamed, but he couldn't help but chuckled at Penny's sweet nickname. "Don't you remember what happened?" she added worriedly.

"Only few alone memories. Such as a falling ice cups and a noise of waterfall" Penny replied briefly, but groaned in pain and touched her temple in it.

"Are you alright?" Teresa asked alarmed.

"Yes, just a little headache" she answered, reaching to the table for a glass of water, but she didn't manage to keep it in her left arm. Just then Sam gently slid Sarah's head from his lap and went to Penny's bed.

"You have to learn how to use your left hand as same as you used to use your right one until your bone grows together again" Sam announced as he took the glass and handed it to Mrs.Brown, who slowly titled the glass next to Penny's lips to let her drink the water. "But, don't worry, you're not alone" Sam noticed how Penny's mood changed for worse, so he added it to cheer her up, but it didn't give too much success.

"Maybe Sam remind you everything what happened while I go to talk with doctor, he wanted to see me" Penny's aunt stood up hardly and slowly went step by step to the door and out of the room.

It was a moment of silence when Sam could almost heard Penny's heartbeat. It was a little nervous and the nervousness in the air undeniably didn't make her too well.

"So you don't remember anything from that day?" Sam asked anxiously, not knowing how he would react if she agreed.

"Don't be silly, Sam" she cheered up briefly. "I remember everything. I just..." she paused, taking deep breath. "I didn't want to worry my aunt more."

"I'm not sure if this is a good way" Sam summed up.

"I know, but she has already had too many
things on her head. And I know her pretty well, so I was quite sure she would ask you to remind me" Penny explained sadly. "I don't want to be a trouble for her" she sighed and was going to add something more, but Sam placed his finger on her lips to let her know she should stop.

"Hey, you are not a trouble for anyone" Sam waved his hand before Penny's eyes while he underlined every word. "She has only been worring about you, because she love you. As I do" Sam confessed, lowering his head a little.

"Wait! What?!" Penny looked up at him in awe.

"Didn't you confess your love towards me as the last thing you did after saving me and Sarah?" Sam asked teasingly, but a sign of fear showed in his eyes. Penny noticed it and gently took Sam's hand in her health one.

"I did and I was totally concious, Sam. So I said the pure truth" Penny assured softly when Sam and Penny's eyes met for a short moment. But Sam broke the moment when he looked embarrassed on floor.

"It is my fault you're here now. I should be quicker. Without your quick reaction, I don't know how it would have ended. So I thank you, Penny, for saving my life one more time" he added more optimistically, looking up at Penny with a thankful smile.

"Don't blame yourself, Sam. It is true, you should have let Ellie and me done the job once from time to time. And secondly, it has happened how it happened. Luckily I'm alive and it should only matters, shouldn't it?" She raised her eyebrow in sceptical when she tried to cheer Sam up, but it didn't work, because she groaned in sudden pain, due to her head which, again, became a center of stabbing pain.

"But you're not good" Sam protested, gently shaking Penny's left shoulder.

"Sam, really it is just a headache. A little stabbing, but it's alright" Penny argued when the pain became softler.

They didn't have any more time for talk in this moment, because Sarah woke up and as soon as she noticed that Penny was awake, she jumped up happily and ran to bed.
"Thank you Penny for risking your life only to save me and Uncle Sam. You're the best" Sarah gave Penny a brief, but full of gracefulness, hug.

"You're welcome, Sarah" Penny replied, stroking Sarah's back. "I was just doing my job" Penny added teasingly in the direction of Sam and two women couldn't help, but laughed when they saw Sam's grumpy face. But he only pretended and quickly laughed with them either.

When they finally found control of themselves again, Sarah and Sam stood up and went to the door, when Penny sent them questioning look.

"This flowers are for you, from me and Sarah as a huge thank you fir being the best" Sam showed the flowers laying on the table on the other side of the room. "I'm sorry, Penny, but I have to take Sarah back to Pontypandy" Sam explained when he let Sarah went out of the room first with a wave for a goodbye to Penny. "But I promise I'll come back" Sam throwed at the endly goodbye, closing the door. Penny stayed alone in the room, but her loneliness didn't take too long, because her aunt came back with doctor following her and Penny was taken for an another examination.

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