Ninth day in hospital

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Hello everyone! In this chapter Penny says goodbye to hospital for now and finally takes her steps back to Pontypandy. So I hope you will enjoy reading what goes also with that in pair;)

Penny took very much rest by night, her dreams ran around going back to Pontypandy. And thought Sam would come here to take her made has been making her smile since she woke up. She still couldn't belive he really loved her as she loved him and that it didn't change anything in their friendship for bad, only for better.

When she was slowly trying to pack everything to her bag, which her mother brought her, she heard a quiet knock to the door. Penny turned around and walked to the door, then opened it before Diana's face.

"Hey" the two women waved to each other. "How are you at your last day?"

"Very good, to be honest" Penny and answered with honest smile.

"You probably happy to go home?" Diana asked anxiously. 

"And you don't even know how much" Penny turned back to her with even bigger smile than last time.

"It is undeniably good sign you are in the mood for jokes" the nurse cheered up, joking. "Penny" she added "I'm glad I was able to meet you."

"I will miss you too, Diana" Penny replied, correctly understanding true meaning of Diana's words. The women gave each other a hug, before Diana had to leave Penny for good today.

"See you soon" it was the last words Diana said to Penny and after it there was only silence in the room.

Trying to fill the time to Sam's come, Penny tried twice to reach her mother on phone, but both were busy. So Penny, from boriness and experience, she checked her bag once, twice, third and forth times. When she was going to check everything fifth times, she heard someone gigled, but she recognized this chuckle without problem in part of second. But she decided to pretend she noticed nothing and let herself on little fun. As Penny belived laughter was a best medicine for everything.

"As I know you, you're checking your bag not first time, aren't you, perfect Penny" a voice asked in teasing way.

"Sam" Penny said softly, turning her attention from bag to the door where Sam was standing indeed. She took few steps towards him as he did the same and they met at the middle of the room. Sam opened his arms and Penny gently snuggled up against him. "What are you doing here?" She mumbled into his chest teasingly, but loud enough.

"You perfectly know what I'm doing here or am I only doing a clown of myself again?" Sam complained grumphily when Penny broke away a little to look Sam at face and bursted into laughter then. "Belive me Penny it is really funny" he added one more complaining comment. "Anyway it is nice to see you in such a good mood" he smiled, taking Penny's bag. "Let's go. Better leave this place, before I'd go crazy in there."

"Are you scared of hospitals?" Penny whispered mischeviously to Sam as they were crossing next corridon.

"Nonsence, I just don't like it" he disagreed quickly. "Who likes this kind of place?"

"I'm sure few person would say they like hospitals" Penny teased him last time just in time they reached reception.

When Penny ended everything: taking the card of go out and date of next appointment, she felt like a huge stone felt from her heart for good. She remembered she still were going to come back here, but she hoped it would be a lot quicker than this time.
She felt how Sam took her hand and pulled her after him to exit door. Penny almost felt his hurry on herself , but it passed as quickly as it came when she felt winter sun on her skin and gentle and much more peaceful fresh wind. It was so fentastic to be finally out, to be back free. Penny used to enjoy her time spent outside and she reminded herself aboyt it everytime she wasn't able to go out at least for a short moment by a longer time, for example nine days. A air from open windows could never replace real fresh air feeling on your own self.

"I'm not sure, Sam, you tell me a truth after how fast we come out" Penny used an opportunity to tease Sam once more time.

"A truth about what?" Sam looked at her puzzled.

"About your fear of hospitals" she reminded him mischeviously.

"Are you going to tease about it to my latest days?" Sam sighed in annoyance. "I am not scared of hospitals. Just, they are at the black end of my list of favourite places to be in" he underlined every word alone to make the problem clear for Penny.

"Does Ellie come with you?" Penny broke the silence when they passed next street.

"No, she decided on her own it will be better if I only come. But I'm not sure it is more good or bad news" Sam joked and Penny laughed. Ellie could be hard to hundle her presence sometimes, but after all she was an amazing friend either for her or for Sam. "Does your aunt come?"

"Probably no, not in this time" it was Penny only answer when they finally took their seats in car.

They rode to Pontypandy in silence between them. Although Sam didn't feel it in uncomfortable way and Penny smiled looking out of window and watching view, so he guessed she at least felt it the same way as he, he couldn't throw away an impression something was bothering Penny and taking her thoughts away and that could be the reason why she was so quiet right now. Unfortunately something also was telling Sam meeting with Ellie wasn't a reason for Penny sudden change in mood, it had to be something deeper, Sam was sure about it. Furthermore Sam would do everything to find out what it was and, if he could, helped Penny deal with it.

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