Lovers catch

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The time ran quicker than Penny thought it would. The spring came to the world and with it also Penny's hope to get back up. Her last check-up three weeks ago went very good and if nothing was going to change to now, she will be back to normal today's afternoon.
Last week she took even better care of herself to that point that Sam and Ellie began to call her crazy. But in their hearts they had to admit they have been looking up at Penny's determination and optimism all this time, however the funniest thing was they haven't noticed yet Penny knew it. She has been doing it mostly due to boriness which she had to handle by this winter. And finally today everything could have an end and Penny wouldn't want anything more.

So as soon as sun came up that morning, she woke up and she was already dressed up, walking to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Even after quite a long time, since her accident to be precise, she still couldn't belive Sam moved in to hers as they decided. Moreover she was still surprised when she met him in the doorway.
And today wasn't any diffrent, when she walked into the kitchen she saw him eating his part of breakfast.

"Good breakfast" Penny welcomed him, taking a seat on the opposite side of table.

"Welcome, fishy" Sam responded, using his own silly nickname of Penny which made her roll her eyes in amusement.

"Stop it, reddy" Penny throw mischeviously, but it only made them both more amused at the beginning of the day.

"Well, the thing is you shall stop, because in diffrence to your idea of nickname, mine is at least nice and your is rather... not nice" Sam argued.

"Keep it in mind. Anyway I assure you that you shall be the one to invent new one after what I have said you to explain why your nickname is not good choice for me" Penny explained one more time when they managed to eat breakfast.

"I have something put on plan actually" Sam muttered under his nose and was about to say something to Penny, when...

Suddenly the doorbell interupted them. Penny and Sam exchanged looks and without talking decided Penny would be the one to open. So she did and when she opened wide the door, she saw Elvis standing there with his usual smile. Penny took a calm breath. Elvis was one of a very few people who got a pleasure to know she and Sam are finally together.

"Hello, Penny. Is Sam still here?" Elvis asked a little impatiently and nervously as he was hiding something which almost always didn't end too good.

"Yes, I am, Elvis" Sam answered from behind Penny's back, being faster than she. "Do you have some... you know... for me?" Sam asked misteriously, taking a step closer to the door.

"Surely I have and not only you-know-what" Elvis chuckled, giving carefully Sam a small box behind their backs to hide it from not likely view. "Chief Fire Officer Boyce wants to see us all on a training today at noon, so I suggest you to hurry. You know how he reacts when something doesn't go how he plans" Elvis ended and with a wave at the goodbye he went away.

"What did he want so hard to say to you?" Penny asked when Sam went back to the kitchen where she came a moment before him.

Sam sighed as he looked Penny in the eyes. He had known how much she had hoped he would come with her today, but the news Elvis brought him deleted this plan, at least partly.

"Elvis wanted to inform me that I must be in fire station today. I'm..."

"I get it" Penny interupted him without any bad emotions in her voice. "I'll go by bus and I'll try to visit my mother then. After it I will come back" she quickly found a solution.

"I have promised you something and I'll try to keep my promise. I'll try to come to Newtown as soon as I will be able" he whispered, taking a step to her.

"But don't make Boyce mad at you only because of me, ok?" Penny playfully pressed Sam's nose. "Now come on, neither of us want to be late, do we?"

And they walked out from house hand in hand, but after a short kiss on goodbye their traces got separeted. Penny was watching by a moment still how Sam was taking a destination towards the fire station and then she walked to the bus stop.

When the bus drove away from Pontypandy to Newtown, his waves pushed Penny to world of her thoughts. Today was a day she had been waiting for for six weeks. It would be time everything would be normal again for her, even in the worst case of events all signs on sky and earth starred at it.
But she was even more excited due to Ellie's point of view she had presented Penny yesterday. In her opinion, Sam wanted to go with Penny so hard, because he had a special and unexpect decision for Penny. But after Penny pressed the topic a little deeper, it stopped to be a surprise, because Ellie told her straight what she had heard from Elvis earlier.

When she was just about to fell into this scene of a talk, she heard how Trevor's bus stopped and she recognized Newtown bus stop, near the main square. So she forgot it for a moment to get to her appointment two blocks away from where she was now. The walk didn't take to long, but she was just in time before meeting doctor Laury.

"I have a checking appointment with doctor Laury" Penny asked a recepcionist.

"Doctor Laury is absent today, but she left everything to doctor Jenkins" the young woman answered.

And that way Penny walked to doctor Jenkins' room. The whole thing with taking off her cast went smoothly and she haven't even turned around when she was saying goodbye and all thanks and welcomes to doctor Jenkins with knowlegde that was lifting her to the sky when she walked out of hospital's visiting door.

To Penny's surprise, as soon as she turned aroung a corner of the street she heard a well-known sound. But then she lost her vision and when Penny found herself able to see again, she was in totally diffrent place and, by a moment, it seemed as in totally diffrent time.

"Leave her to me and not overlook my every step or you would be cleaning dishes till the end of your schedules" she heard a quiet voice from beyond, along with quiet footsteps, so she decided to look around to get herself causious in the threat of danger. But to her surprise she recognized a red pavement as a place she knew. Or more specially, as a major enter to Newtown Fire Academy.

"What..." she thought out loud, but a shy clearing of throat interrupted and surprised her. She turned carefully around and she became even more surprise, because... "Yes" she answered not letting the question to be asked.

Hi! I know, I know, you're surely mad at me, because it had taken definately too long, and I broke some promises I'd made, and I am sincerely sorry. And first way to please you and make up my mistake again is this chapter.

And I have two questions for you this time:
1) What do you think has happened at the end? Who it was? What kind of question it was to Penny's answer?

I am curious what will be your thought about it. And now I will come back and I hope I will  be able to write as regulary as I used to last year. With small exceptions, because school year has already started.

And one more thing. Do you want still a few chapters of this story or should I end it? I leave the answer in your hands.
;)I have an ideas for another stories of Fireman Sam, and my own stories and a story for one more fandom, but this is a secret.

So here, see you and have a good Friday tommorrow and weekend time;)

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