Walking the loneliest road

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3rd person POV:

On the mainland of the U.S, Eva Unit 01 walked along in its battle configuration across the loneliest road, route 50 in Nevada.

Swimming back to Japan was an option, however, they wished to at least attempt to fix this "misunderstanding". And running away wouldn't aid their case.

The hope was that Misato would contact them when some form of discussion had transpired however, it seemed that all of Unit 01's communication systems with NERV Japan were being jammed.

Foul play was suspected.

Only Shinji had other thoughts.

Specifically on the well-being of unit 04's pilot. Who after Unit 01 split unit 04 in half accidentally, must at the very least be hospitalized.


Crouched up in his entry plug, with his jacket over his plug suit, Shinji allowed a dummy system to make Unit 01 walk on its own.

Asuka and Rei were trying to get a tan on unit 01's head, however against the hot metal, it wasn't the most comfortable.

Asuka: Ya think the U.S has the balls to attack us?

Rei: We should have diplomatic immunity. Meaning they cannot attack us, at least not without warning.

Asuka: Well they already tried to arrest him without a second thought, so who knows what they're planning.

Asuka:(sigh)... I left so many good dresses back there...

Asuka: You would have fainted if I wore one Shinji.


Asuka: Oi! Idiot! Are you listening?

Shinji:(speaker) Hm? Uhm, y-yeah. Clothes right? I would have wanted to take the Hawaiian shirt I got.

Asuka: That wasn't what I was talking about and you actually bought that?!

Shinji:(speaker) It... It was a nice fabric... Or, I don't know...

Asuka:... You know... It wasn't your fault.

Shinji:(speaker)... I turned around and struck unit 04. Even if it was on instinct, I still did it.

Rei: Do not let one mistake weigh on your conscience for too long.


Shinji:(speaker) I think I see a gas station up ahead. Let's stop there.

"I sense a devious plot at foot. Be wary of the pulling of strings."


Shinji:(mind) You know... You can talk to me like a normal person...

"But I am not a person."

Shinji:(mind) You are to me.




"Thank you."

(Opening theme)

Arriving at the gas station, Shinji lowered Rei and Asuka to the ground before kneeling down and getting out himself as the girls go shopping.

Asuka: How much cash do you have?

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