Lift off to Space

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3rd person POV:


Lilith, having leaped off the moon, began floating around Earth.

Slowly but surely, as she herself mutated like the Z-Eva's, into a more snake-like form.

But she did not leave humanity alone.

Angel's were resurrected, giving the Eva team, minus Shinji, much work.


With the help of Yn and Kaworu, NERV discerned that Lilith was planning on doing something to earth, as though the Magi supercomputers they learned that Earth's rotation was slowing down.

To what ends? They did not know, what they did know is that the mighty spear of Longinus was still on the moon.

With now even Eva 01 unwilling to cooperate, Rei and Asuka were chosen to end this with the spear.


Using the Eva data Yn had taken from Gendo Ikari and SEELE, along with Maya, Ritsuko, and Yn's brilliance combined, began work on making Unit 00 and 02 space worthy.

The B team meanwhile were tasked with keeping the earth safe from the Angels that attacked all across the world.

Kensuke, after coming back from a mission, arrived home to find Jessica doing housewife chores.

After she failed to assassinate Shinji, Jessica didn't know what to do.


From what little Kensuke leaked to her in hopes of baiting her into doing something, she knew that Shinji was capable of healing stab wounds now.

And even with Shinji's relationship with Eva 01 being in the state, it is, she had no way of knowing if the Evangelion would come to rescue Shinji again if it came down to it.

Then there was Kensuke himself.

She and he were in this relationship that was like a game of chicken where neither side would fold.

And because of that, despite their circumstance, or their real feelings, neither gave in, causing the relationship to develop.


Both mentally pondered if they were giving themselves Stockholm syndrome as Unit 00 and Unit 02 were sent off to space.


Misato: Launch!

Misato:(mind) And godspeed you two...

(Hours later)

(Unit 00: Space type equipment)

(Unit 00: Space type equipment)

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(Unit 02: Space type pack)

(Unit 02: Space type pack)

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